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New building and expansion
The Museums collection continued to get bigger over the following 
years, and more and more buildings were added to hold the new objects. 
Important discoveries by people working for the British Museum included 
the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus by Charles Newton in 1857 and the Temple 
of Artemis in 1869. Many things found at these sites were taken to the 
Museum, where they have remained ever since.
In 1852 the British Museum's 
famous round Reading Room was opened. It had enough space to display a 
million books at once.
The collection continued to get bigger and bigger. 
Eventually the Natural History Museum was set up in 1887 to hold the natural 
parts of the Museum's collection. It was around this time that electric 
lights were first put in the Museum. It was one of the first public places in 
England to do so.
 In the early 1900s the Museum's board of directors 

bought all the houses surrounding it, knocked them all down and built over 
them. In 1939, just before the start of World War II, most of the Museum's 
exhibits were taken to other places because the directors were worried 
the Nazismight bomb the Museum during the Blitz. The exhibits were stored 
in old London Underground stations, as well as other places.
The evacuation 
proved to be a good idea, as parts of the Museum were destroyed by bombs in 
Much of the 1950s was spent fixing the parts of the Museum destroyed 
by the bombing, and bringing back the pieces that had been taken away. 
During all this time the collection continued to get bigger, although space was 
slowly running out for all the books being brought in. The British Library was 
set up in 1973 to deal with this problem.
In 1972 the Museum 
was loaned the Tutankhamun collection from the Museum of Cairo. They 
held a big exhibition called 'The Treasures of Tutankhamun' and it attracted 
over 1.5 million people to come and see it.
In 1998 the central courtyard, 
which had been unused before, was turned into the Great Court with the 
Reading Room at its centre. The Great Court has over 2 acres of space under 
its roof. This makes it the largest covered public space in Europe.
 It was 
opened by Queen Elizabeth II in January 2000.
 Since then the Museum has 
collected more things to do with history, rather than more modern pieces. 

of Roman 
British, Ancient 
Greek and Ancient Egyptian artefacts, as well as objects from many other 
cultures and times around the world.
Because of its extremely large size the Museum's collection is split into 
many parts, called 
. The departments have changed many times 
over the years. They are sometimes merged together, split into smaller 
departments or renamed and changed altogether. 

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