Навчальний посібник для студентів ос «Бакалавр» галузі знань 03 «Гуманітарні науки»

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babenko country study


Students are more connected to the world than ever before, through 
social media, online gaming, and popular culture that is more international 
than ever. Unfortunately, there is a difference between being connected to the 
world through popular culture and the Internet, and having an actual 
understanding of the world outside of one’s home country. 
The purpose
of this manual is to help students be competent in a 
county study of the UK through a language and develop their communicative 
This study attempts to review the history, geography, arts and culture of 
the UK in a concise and objective manner. The United Kingdom of Great 
Britain and Northern Ireland, called the United Kingdom, GB or UK, is a 
sovereign state in Northern Europe. It unites England, Wales, Scotland and 
Northern Ireland as one Kingdom. It is a member of the United Nations, the 
Commonwealth, NATO and the G8. It has the sixth largest economy in the 
The country study of the UK is a fascinating field in its own right, but it 
also provides a valuable perspective for the contemporary study of the 
language. The historical account promotes a sense of identity and continuity, 
and enables us to find coherence in many fluctuations and conflicts of 
present-day English language use. It is mainly focused on its dominant social, 
political, economic, and cultural aspects. 
The manual consists of a preface, introduction, 11 chapters: 1) General 
information about the UK; 2) National symbols; 3) Physical and human 
geography; 4) Prehistory and history of the UK; 5) System of government; 6) 
System of education; 7) Traditions, customs and public holidays; 8) Arts and 
culture; 9) Sport; 10) Mass media; 11) British accents and dialects. 
Appendices include a table of historical events, a glossary of geographical 
names, a concise country study guide.
Sources of information include country study books, scholarly journals, 
foreign and domestic newspapers, official reports of government and 
international organizations, and numerous periodicals and international 
1 Gross domestic product. Available 


Dear students, this study is aimed to help you broaden your 
professional outlook as future teachers of English, linguists, interpreters and 
translators. If you still cannot give a quick answer to the following questions, 
such as 

How many times the UK is smaller than the USA? 

What is highest temperature ever recorded in England? 

What is England's oldest recorded tourist attraction? 

How long was French the official language of the UK? 

What schools are called state schools? 

What dish is more traditional than fish 'n chips?

Do British police carry guns? 

Where can the world's largest second-hand book market be found? 

What art collection in the UK is one of the world's most important, 
rivalling with that of the Louvres Museum and New York Metropolitan 

What is the oldest and largest royal residence in the world still in 
The book will be a great resource for you. If you want to be successful 
in country studies I’d also recommend you some pieces of advice.
Hopefully these ideas will help you get motivated to study

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