Молодой учёный №14 ( 94 ) 2015 2


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Realizing initiatives of the Head of state N. A. Nazarbayev, 
the «Bolashak» University having 20 years' experience of 
training in the field of education, business, engineering, ag-
riculture and other specialties for Kyzylorda area, achieves 
for satisfaction of needs of employees in the experts of pos-
sessing logical thinking, capable to adapt for changing con-
ditions of the world market in the conditions of globaliza-
tion. The university train 42 specialties of a bachelor degree, 
6 specialties of a master. It includes 3 faculties, 10 depart-
ments and 2 colleges.
The university predict its mission not just having the 
knowledge as an institution, but also having the new achieve-
ments in sciences. In research not only the teachers are in-
volved, but also students and masters of university. As a re-
sult, today «Bolashak» University is one of the innovation 
types of research work.
The presence of the international joint educational pro-
grams by university is conducted work on creation and in-
troducing the joint educational programs with foreign high 
schools. For example, university has signed the agreement 
on cooperation with Aerospace institute and institute to 
Aeronavigations National aircraft university of the Ukraine, 
has signed the agreement on strategic partnership with Fed-
eral state budgetary educational institution of the high vo-
cational training «Moscow state university of the economy, 
statistics and informatics (MESI)» and Erevan branch of the 
federal state budgetary educational institution of the high vo-
cational training «Moscow state university of the economy, 
statistics and informatics (MESI)», one more agreement 
is signed in this year about cooperation between university 
«Bolashak» and university of the Economy and enterprise 
(Kyrgyzstan), with press «Young scientist» (Russia). Per-
manent cooperation is provided in agreement between uni-
versity in the field of scholastic-methodical, research and 
cultural activity; in increasing of the qualifications and orga-
nizations of the periods of trial professorial-teaching compo-
sition; in realization of the joint educational programs bach-
elors and the masters.
The quantity of foreign press of teaching staff is improving. 
68 articles of teaching staff are published in foreign coun-
tries like Russia, Czechia, Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, Paki-
stan, the South Korea, Spain in 2013 year and in 2014 year 
about 80 articles.
There are many articles which are published in reviewed 
journals like SJR (Scopus, Elsevier etc). The results of sci-
entific research work of professor-training staff is actively 
being developed and implemented in the educational pro-

Статьи, поступающие в редакцию, рецензируются.
За достоверность сведений, изложенных в статьях, ответственность несут авторы.
Мнение редакции может не совпадать с мнением авторов материалов.
При перепечатке ссылка на журнал обязательна.
Материалы публикуются в авторской редакции.
е д а к ц и о н н а я
к о л л е г и я

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