В. А. Шляхова, О. Н. Герасина, Ю. А. Герасина английский язык для экономистов english for economists

) Прочтите текст и выполните последующее задание. The Joint-stock Company

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Шляхова В.А. Английский язык для экономистов

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The Joint-stock Company
The joint-stock company dates from Tudor times, when 
England’s foreign trade began to expand. Instead of a trading ship’s 
being owned by one person, it was financed by a number of people 
who bought shares in a company formed for the purpose.
Today the joint-stock company is the most important form 
of business organization. International joint stock companies are 
used in a wide variety of manufacturing, mining, and service 
The host country may require that a certain percentage (often 
51 percent) of manufacturing or mining operations be owned 
by nationals of that country, thereby requiring firms to operate 
through joint ventures.
Moreover, the local partner may bring to the joint venture its 
knowledge of the customs and tastes of the people, an established 
distribution network, and valuable business and political contacts. 
Local partners also decrease the foreign status of the firm and may 
provide some protection against discrimination, if conditions are 

There are some advantages and disadvantages of international 
joint ventures. The advantages of it are limited liability, continuity, 
the availability of capital (since investors can spread their risk and 
sell their shares easily) and ease of expansion.
However there are, of course, certain disadvantages to 
international joint ventures. The main potential disadvantage to 
joint ventures, especially in countries that limit foreign companies 
to 49 percent participation, is the loss of effective managerial 
control. A loss of effective managerial control can result in reduced 
profits, increased operating costs, inferior product quality and fines. 
Firms that wish to retain effective managerial control will find this 
issue an important topic in negotiations with the prospective joint 
venture partner and frequently the host government as well.
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