В. А. Шляхова, О. Н. Герасина, Ю. А. Герасина английский язык для экономистов english for economists

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Шляхова В.А. Английский язык для экономистов

Задание 1.
 Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Why did the government of the Russian Federation conduct 
radical reforms in the economy of the country?
2. What was the result of these reforms?
3. What other environmental factors influence the situation 
in Russia?
4. How does Russia try to solve multiple problems?
5. What economic regions is the economic structure of the 
country divided into?
Задание 2.
 Составьте резюме.

Прочтите текст с целью общего понимания содержания.
Key words:
price – цена,
price range – колебание цен,
pricing – ценообразование,
terms of sale – условия продажи,
domestic sales – продажи внутри страны,
discount – скидка,
cost – стоимость, затраты,
foreign sales – сбыт за границей,
evaluation – оценка,
variables – переменные величины,
net loss – чистый убыток,
objective – цель.
Proper pricing and choice of terms of sale and payment 
are critical elements in selling a product or service internation-
ally. Pricing is the most problematic, even for the experienced 
Pricing considerations.
At what price should the firm sell its product in the foreign 
Does the foreign price reflect the product’s quality?
Is the price competitive?
What type of discount (trade, cash, quantity) and allowances 
(advertising, trade-off) should the firm offer its foreign custom-
Should prices differ with market segment?
What should the firm do about product line pricing?

Are the prices going to be viewed by the foreign government 
as reasonable or exploitative?
As in the domestic market, the price at which a product or 
service is sold directly determines a firm’s revenues. It is essential 
that a firm’s market research includes an evaluation of all of the 
variables that may affect the price range for the product or ser-
vice. If a firm’s price is too high, the product or service will not be 
sold. If the price is too low, export activities may not be sufficiently 
profitable or may create a net loss.
The traditional components for determining proper pricing are 
costs, market demand, and competition. These categories are the 
same for domestic and foreign sales and must be evaluated in view 
of the firm’s objective in entering the foreign market. An analysis 
of each component from an export perspective may result in export 
prices that are different from domestic prices.

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