В. А. Шляхова, О. Н. Герасина, Ю. А. Герасина английский язык для экономистов english for economists

Задание 2.  Составьте резюме. 157 TEXT VII

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Шляхова В.А. Английский язык для экономистов

Задание 2.
 Составьте резюме.

Прочтите текст с целью общего понимания содержания.
Key words:
legal responsibility – юридическая ответственность,
legal entity – юридическое лицо,
drawbacks – недостатки,
benefits – достоинства,
share holder – акционер, владелец акций,
deductible business expense – служебные расходы, не об-
лагаемые налогом,
double taxation – двойное налогообложение.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporations
The corporate form of business is a more flexible instrument 
for large-scale economic activity than the sole proprietorship or 
First, because the corporation itself has legal standing, it safe-
guards its owners, relieving them of individual legal responsibility 
when they act as agents of the business.
Second, the owners of shares of stock have limited liability: 
they are not responsible for corporate debts. If a shareholder paid 
$100 for 10 shares of stock and the corporation goes bankrupt, he 
or she can only lose the $100 invested.
Third, corporate stock is transferable. Thus, the corporation 
is not damaged by the death or disinterest of a particular person. 
An owner of stock can sell his or her holdings at any time or pass 
the stock along to heirs.
Yet the corporate business organization has drawbacks as well 
as benefits.
One disadvantage relates to taxation. As a separate legal entity, 
the corporation must pay taxes. Unlike the treatment of interest 
on bonds, dividends paid to shareholders are not a tax deductible 

business expense for the corporation. When the corporation passes 
along profits to individuals in the form of dividends, the individu-
als are taxed again on these dividends. This is known as «double 
Another cost results from the fact that ownership becomes 
separated from management. While this makes management easier, 
some managers are tempted to act more in their own interests than 
those of the stockholders.
Задание 1.
 Найдите в тексте абзацы, где речь идет о преиму-
ществах корпоративной формы бизнеса. Каковы недостатки 
такой организации бизнеса?

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