Учебное пособие Казань-2016 Сайфуллина М. Н., Хабирова Н. М. English for Physicists

particle. A Higgs field would fill the vacuum of space with Higgs bosons

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Posobie dlya fizikov Habirova Sajfullina ispravv

particle. A Higgs field would fill the vacuum of space with Higgs bosons
just as the electromagnetic field fills the vacuum of space with photons. 
Two detectors were created to search for the Higgs boson: (1) CMS 
(Compact Muon Solenoid) and (2) ATLAS (A Toroidal LHS ApparatuS). 
Neither detector could detect a Higgs boson directly, but the Higgs boson 
rapidly decays into photons, Z or W bosons, or fermions, which CMS and 
ATLAS can detect. Detection is most accurate for decay into two photons, 
but that mode of decay only happens 0.2-0.3% of the time. The probability 
of a Higgs boson being produced from a single high-energy proton collision 
is about one in ten trillion (1 X 1013) because the interaction between 
quarks and gluons with the strong nuclear force are far more powerful than 
their interaction with the Higgs field. A Higgs boson could be formed from 
gluons from the colliding protons fusing together, or by quarks from the 
protons emitting Z or W bosons that fuse. Following the discovery of the 
Higgs boson, the LHC can focus on learning more about that boson's 

properties - and possibly explain why the Higgs boson is required to give 
particles a mass. 
The LHC could validate or invalidate models of supersymmetry which 
double the number of particles in the standard model by pairing every boson 
with a fermion superparticle - and pairing every fermion with a boson 
superparticle (somewhat analogous to antimatter). However, most particle 
physicists are hoping to make discoveries with the LHC that gets beyond
the Standard Model, including an understanding of dark matter. The 
Standard Model treats fundamental particles as point-like entities having no 
dimensions, adjusted for by a kludge called renormalization. String theory 
removes the need for renormalization and provides mathematically 
satisfying explanations for many other problems. But string theory has still 
not fulfilled its promise of unifying gravity and quantum mechanics. Nor
has it produced testable hypotheses, because strings could only be measured 
at energies well beyond the capacities of existing particle accelerators. 
Some physicists worry that aesthetic elegance is displacing evidence as the 
basis of physical theory. 
(Adopted from 


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