Сборник научных статей международной научно-практической конференции «Современные тренды педагогического образования»

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Типовая учебная программа «Элементы и процессы промышленного дизайна» по 
специальности 050421 «Дизайн». - Астана: Министерство образования и науки РК, 
Смирнов С.Д. Педагогика и психология высшего образования: от деятельности к личности: 
Учебное пособие для студ. высш. пед. учеб. заведений. - М.: Издательский центр 
«Академия», 2001. - 304 с. 
Мuratova M.A. master teacher 
Khamza Balnur master teacher
South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University 
В статье обсуждается один из творческих подходов к обучению иностранным языкам для 
специальных целей, так называемому тематическому методу. Главным моментом этого 
метода является независимая иностранная деятельность обучающихся, созданная в 
искусственной профессиональной среде.
Мақалада шет тілдерін арнайы мақсатта оқытудың шығармашылық тәсілдерінің бірі, 
тақырыптық әдіс туралы айтылады. Бұл әдістің негізгі мәні - жасанды кәсіби ортада 
құрылған студенттердің дербес шетелдік қызмет ете білуі.
The transition to a multilevel system of training at the present stage dictates the need 
to change approaches to the content of the educational process, to create new forms 

of its methodological support, as well as to realize the role of the teacher in the 
innovative paradigm of person-oriented, creative learning. The variety of methods 
and methods of mastering a foreign language in a higher educational institution 
leads to the need for a rational choice of one of them or an optimal combination of 
complementary methods and technologies, which implies the need to generalize 
knowledge about the methods and techniques of organizing communication in 
another language. At present, intensive instruction in foreign languages is realized in 
various developing, newly created and operating methodological systems. This is 
due to the variety of specific objectives for teaching a foreign language to a different 
contingent of trainees, as well as the variety of learning conditions. Linguistic and 
approach is inherent in almost all foreign language schools. An intensive method is 
designed for business people who, in a short time, are expected to acquire specific 
language skills. Often an intensive course is enough to use the language in a 
professional field: in business correspondence, during presentations and telephone 
conversations, drafting commercial proposals. The "direct" method is known as the 
Berlitz method, the basic principle is to completely exclude the student's native 
language from the learning process, the goal is to teach the student to think in a
foreign language. Business (activity) approach involves learning a foreign language 
in conjunction with the practice of communication in the professional field. 
Formation of a certain level of foreign professional communicative competence is an 
actual and effective basis for further vocational-oriented communication of 
university graduates that are foreign-language. However, it must be borne in mind 
that when teaching a professional foreign language, the various functions of speech 
and the ways of using it can’t have equal value. Along with the instrumental (simple 
transfer of information), regulative (regulating activities), personal-emotional and 
artistic (role-playing imagery of speech), heuristic (expression of one's 
understanding), social (communication outside its narrow circle) and information-
scientific, analytical, reference. Case method, which has gained a leading position in 
the modern practice of studying abroad, developing the mastery of these speech 
functions, makes it possible to master the knowledge of the specialty in a foreign 
language, to raise the level of its professional competence and self-esteem. 
"Case method" (English case method, case method, case study, case study, method of 
concrete situations) is a training technique that uses the description of real 
(economic, social and business) situations. M. Dolgorukov refers the "case study" 
method to "advanced" active teaching methods. An increase in the student's 
"luggage" of analyzed cases increases the likelihood of using a ready-made solution 
scheme to the current situation, forms the skills to solve more serious problems. 
Situational learning teaches the search and the use of knowledge in a dynamic 
situation, developing flexibility of thinking. E.N. Zakharova believes that 
"competence-oriented vocational education is aimed at mastering activities that 
provide readiness for solving problems and tasks based on knowledge, professional 
and life experience, values, other internal and external resources" [3, p. 33]. 

The application of the case method in English classes in a professional environment 
pursues two mutually complementary goals, namely: further improvement of 
communicative competence (linguistic and sociocultural) and the formation of the 
trainee's professional qualities. Acquaintance with the case (reading professionally 
directed text in which the problem is formulated in the specialty, in the original or 
with small abbreviations and minor adaptation, and the subsequent translation), 
independent solution search, process of situation analysis during class are all 
examples of communicative tasks. Auditor communication related to work on the 
description,comparison, conviction and other speech acts, trains the skill of working 
out the correct strategy of speech behavior, observance of norms and rules of 
English- speaking communication. Comments of students on the content of the case 
are assessed by the teacher in the following skills: analytical, managerial, decision-
making skills, interpersonal communication skills, creativity, oral and written 
communication skills in English (lexico-grammatical aspect). Therefore, the case 
method includes at the same time a special kind of educational material and special 
ways of its use in the teaching practice of the English language. According to the 
results of our applied research, it was established that the case method can be used 
as extremely effective for achieving the goals of teaching a professional foreign 
language and intercultural adaptation. However, the application of this method in the 
teaching of a foreign language should be methodologically justified and ensured. 
This is necessary both at the level of the organization of the educational process in 
the educational program in general, and at the level of planning by a separate 
teacher. The disadvantages of using this method of organizing training can be 
attributed to the fact that it is difficult to guarantee the independence of performing 
all tasks in the case of individual students. 
Case method in foreign language classes is recommended to apply in groups that 
have a certain stock of knowledge in the specialty and a sufficient level of 
knowledge of a foreign language. In addition, being a complex and effective method 
of teaching, the method of the method is not universal and effective only in 
combination with other methods of teaching foreign languages, because by itself 
does not lay the mandatory normative knowledge of the language. Nevertheless, the 
use of a case-study method in studying a foreign language increases the level of 
knowledge of a foreign language as a whole. The method develops creative thinking; 
develops presentation skills; develops the ability to lead a discussion, to argue the 
answers; improves the skills of professional reading in a foreign language and 
information processing; teaches to work in a team and develop a collective decision. 
In the conditions of interactive learning, the students feel a stronger sense of 
personal involvement in the educational process and the responsibility for their own 
educational results is formed. Discussion, analysis of real situations, brainstorming, 
business game, project assignment lead to the creation of a favorable psychological 
atmosphere in the classroom, to enhance the speech and intellectual activity of the 
trainees, increase their sense of self-confidence and create a semantic context of 

communications. The pedagogical potential of the case method is much greater than 
the pedagogical potential of traditional teaching methods. The case method is an 
extremely effective tool that allows applying theoretical knowledge to solving 
practical problems. 
The problem of introducing the case method into the practice of higher professional 
education is currently very relevant, which is due to the general orientation of the 
development of education, not so much toward obtaining specific knowledge, but 
rather as the formation of professional competence, skills and thinking skills, 
development of personality abilities. 

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