Bosh muharrir o’rinbosari: Заместитель главного редактора

-nominal type is for explaining the definition of metaphorical terminology

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-nominal type is for explaining the definition of metaphorical terminology,
-framing is easy and gentle explanation of serious diseases to the patient, higher satisfaction to 
care and better understanding of disease and treatment:
-changing of opinion-give motivation to patients and change their opinion of themselves. The 
main function of the use of metaphors in healthcare is the “
one, in which the aim is to 
explain the definition of medical terminology (terminology level). Secondly, the “
”, when 
the aim is to make complex concepts, such as, for example, mechanisms of pathogenesis (language 
level), more thoroughly understood. Finally, 
“change of opinion”
, at the level to motivate and 
convince to better therapeutic adherence and a better lifestyle (communicative level). 
There is given a conversation between the doctor and patient
Md: Mr.T, how did it go last night? 
Mr.T: Not so good doc. Lots of pain. Couldn’t sleep. But you know me. I took some pain 
medicine and soldiered on. 
MD: Yeah! That’s what I admire about you. You are a 
real figthter
Here is the doctor tries the patients to have positive impact by the metaphorical word 
combination “you are a real fighter” in the oral communication. 
Mr.T: Right on doc! sounding pleased. I am No quitter. So did you get my bone scan results 
MD: Yes, I did. It was positive 
Mr.T: Positive? sounding hopeful. ‘That is good, right? 
MD: Unfortunately, it means that the cancer has spread to your bones. In fact, your bone scan 
lit up like a Christmas tree. 
This dialog provides an example of a conversation between a doctor and a patient, where the 
doctor addresses the patient with a conclusion about their illness in some easy way, that is, using 
metaphorical phrases, as indicated above. This, in turn, leads to the fact that the patient has some 

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