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Abzhapparova A.A. 
Annotation. In the conditions of intensive development of mass communication media, citizens are 
increasingly exposed to images formed not so much by their personal experience as by the mass media. Thus, 
the relevance of this study is conditioned by the special role of the media in shaping public opinion on higher 
education policy. 
Keywords: higher education, media, media coverage, media, frame analysis. 
Global economic challenges in the global community imply the mobility of human resources and require 
high investment in education. Strengthening human capacity in the context of lifelong learning has become a 
worldwide trend in educational policy. However, it must not be forgotten that the modernization of the 
educational sphere, namely the reform of higher education, requires understanding and support of society. 
Mass media, such as television, radio, the press, as well as the Internet media have become a powerful source 
of information for the vast majority; therefore, their role in shaping the image of real life is growing steadily. 
Today, you can no doubt say that the mass media have a significant impact. 
The key role of the media is determined by their ability to form a media image, which in scientific literature 
is defined as «a special image of reality that is presented to a mass audience by the media industry» [2; 123]. 
Other authors consider the media as an image created in the minds of the recipients of information with the 
participation of the media and other information institutions, which subsequently reflects the complex of 
representations of the participants of the information community on a specific issue [3; 153]. In the scientific 
literature, it is noted that media images are able to actively manage the public consciousness, because their 
visual and emotional character creates an effect of genuine reality. People tend to trust media images more 
than written texts that suggest more complex cognitive work for their decoding. While the perception of media 
images does not require special stress from the audience. 
The media image is a complex formation, which includes various characteristics of the object, semantic 
connections, interpretations, evaluative judgments. The multidimensionality of the media image of the 
education policy implies the use of a special research tool for its study - frame analysis. 
In the scientific literature, the frame is defined as the semantic framework used by a person to understand 
something and choose the mode of action within the framework of this understanding, as a representation 
scheme [4;20], as a metacommunicative definition of the situation, based on event-driven principles of 
organization and involvement in events [1;7]. 
Mediaframes are the semantic structures formed by the media. Thus, in the work of V. Hamson and A. 
Modigliani, a media frame is defined as «a central semantic idea or a story that opens meaning in the unfolding 
period of events. The frame represents the essence of the question» [8; 143]. G.Tuchman emphasizes the 
importance of medafrhams for the daily life of a person, for the formation of his ideas about the world around 

him. «The mediaframes, he writes, organize everyday reality and are an integral part of everyday reality» [10; 
193]. In this regard, the work of journalists actually reduces to creating media frames and distributing them 
«for effective transmission of the audience» [9; 7]. 
For the content analysis of media frames in the field of higher education, the author chose the media, that 
held leading positions in the popularity and trust of the population over the past 5 years: the independent 
republican newspaper «Karavan», the national television channel «KTK», the Internet information portal 
«Tengrinews», and also a professional printed edition of «Ana Tili» (Mother tongue). In these media, for the 
period 2010 to 2015, 235 publications and reports on topics affecting the education sector were prepared. 
Considering the problem of media coverage of problems and achievements in the field of higher education, 
the media image was overshadowed by publications stating that the Ministry of Education and Science of the 
Republic of Kazakhstan issued licenses to universities that do not comply with the state standard of education; 
there was no proper fight against bribery in universities. At the same time, the media regularly published 
articles, reports and publications on achievements in the field of reforming higher education and improving 
universities (monitoring the observance of state standards in higher education institutions, promoting the 
development of university autonomy, developing university science, improving housing and transport 
conditions for students, etc.). 
The interest of Kazakhstani media in the sphere of higher education has always been high. However, due 
to problems in this area, the media are mostly critical of reforms or other changes in higher education. 
However, in 2011, the media space of Kazakhstan saw a significant increase in positive content (the content is 
understood as any content of something (pictures, text, videos). [7] This was due to the fact that in 2011 in 
Kazakhstan media space issues were widely discussed the support of the Ministry of Young Scientists and 
Students, but in the following 2012-2013, the level of positive content began to decline, until 2014, when the 
negative and positive content indicators were equalized (See Fig.1.). 
Figure 1 – The ratio of negative and positive judgments about the activity of the Ministry of Education 
and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of higher education in the media space of Kazakhstan 
It should be noted that the media coverage of Kazakhstan's higher education has objective grounds. 
According to a poll conducted by the Bureau of Express Monitoring of Public Opinion, DEMOSCOPE at the 
International Journalism Center MediаNet, the attitude of the population of Kazakhstan to the quality of 
education is not frankly negative. This survey was conducted in 2013. According to research, the quality of 
higher education, 27% of respondents believe that the quality of education does not match the world level due 
to weak scientific and laboratory base, low wages, shortage of qualified personnel, etc. 13% of respondents 
expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that universities are not connected with the labor market, therefore, 
young specialists remain unclaimed. Only 4% of respondents indicated high corruption in universities. of 
higher education, 27% of respondents believe that the quality of education does not correspond to the world 
level due to weak scientific and laboratory base, low wages, shortage of qualified personnel, etc. 13% of 
respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that universities are not connected with the labor market, 
therefore, young specialists remain unclaimed. 7% of respondents believe that the universities are not bad, but 
the students themselves have a low level of self-education. Only 4% of respondents indicated a high level of 
corruption in universities [6]. 

The reason for the predominance of negative content in media coverage of higher education can also be 
called ineffective work with media representatives. Different media characterize the direction from one 
database to many distributed users, openness, general availability, which is limited only by access to technical 
means of obtaining information. Media channels are formed rigidly polarized: on one side the producer of 
information, on the other side – the consumer (journalists and the audience). Thus, the nature of the 
implementation of functions, the specificity of content, primarily depend on journalists [5]. The audience sees 
the political and social life through the prism of the journalistic view, the main media workers who form the 
main content of news, events, etc. Various figures of politics, society, culture through verbal and non-verbal 
communication appear on screen, and media workers organize, process and Present all available information 
about this or that public figure of the audience. Thus, journalists are the main designers of public opinion, and 
in some ways they can be called «leaders» of public opinion. If representatives of higher education (employees 
of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RK, Universities, professors, etc.) do not provide full 
information to journalists in a timely manner, they start looking for other sources that can bias the events. 
When the population is not sufficiently informed about the decisions and actions of the executive authorities 
that are being prepared and adopted, favorable conditions for the emergence of various conjectures and stable 
myths, as a rule, a negative property in relation to the authorities, arise in society. In this situation, distrust and 
suspicion will dominate the education reform in the population. 
The mass media are an effective tool for influencing public opinion in the field of modernization of higher 
education. As the study showed, the main designers of content on higher education policy in the Republic of 
Kazakhstan are journalists who select information based on their vision of public information goals and their 
views on the problematic aspects of the government department. However, media coverage of higher education 
can cause a controversial attitude of the public, because the focus of journalists' attention often includes events 
that cause a negative reaction of the population. The mass media are an effective tool for influencing public 
opinion in the field of modernization of higher education. As the study showed, the main designers of content 
on higher education policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan are journalists who select information based on their 
vision of public information goals and their views on the problematic aspects of the government department. 
However, media coverage of higher education can cause a controversial attitude of the public, because the 
focus of journalists' attention often includes events that cause a negative reaction of the population. Thus, the 
media can strengthen the negative perception of state and university policies in the field of modernization of 
higher education, which ultimately inevitably affects the trust of ordinary citizens. 

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