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Key words: education, employment, graduate, university, practice, provide, professional, work, career 
center, vacation, specialist. 
The basic postulates of the theory of competitiveness of graduates of higher educational institutions, 
actively developed recently as one of the theoretical and applied areas of the labor economy, include: 
The winnings in the competitive struggle for the best jobs are estimated by the size of the significant 
employment parameters that characterize the positions taken by graduates in the labor market. 
Comparison of the parameters of the employment of graduates are based, among other things, on the 
evaluation of the use of resource-saving technologies for the formation of professional potential, job search 
and the increase in the cost of human capital. Criteria for resource-saving are associated with minimizing the 
loss of competencies, time and financial security in the transition of a young specialist from the educational 
process to work. Therefore, it is important to study tools for providing and facilitating profile employment. 
The Ministry of Education and Science includes the indicator of employment (as the opposite of the number 
registered in employment services) of graduates in the list of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of 
universities. The successful implementation of the tasks set before the universities, in our opinion, is hampered 
by the peculiarities of the formation in the domestic economy of the structure of jobs for specialists of high 
qualification level and restrictions on the demand of employers for high professional potential of specialists. 
Mechanisms for regulating the labor market conditions do not allow to ensure, in due measure, acceptable 
values of the frequency of the profile employment of graduates. The shift of responsibility from infrastructural 
elements of the labor market to universities is associated with an attempt to find new regulators of the 
disproportion of the youth labor market. 
The interaction «state-university-employer» with the provision of core employment is based on the 
principles of social partnership. The implementation of the existing mechanism of interaction involves such 
difficulties as:
lack of tools for assessing the target impact of the interaction participants and, as a consequence, the 
dominance of the multi-polar subjective opinions; 
the pressure of the regulatory accounting functions of the supervisory bodies and (or) the dominant 
position of individual participants; 
building a dialogue with violations of the principle of parity in the coordination and implementation of 
the interests of participants. 
The interaction of universities and employers in the United States is much like Russia's. In the universities, 
vocational guidance centers have been set up within the framework of the «From school to work» program, in 
which the employment functions are realized [2]. The centers form databases on vacancies and young 
specialists. State regulation of the work of the center is minimal. The ideology of non-interference in the 
promotion of employment is based on the need for self-formation of professional and personal competencies 
that enable graduates to adapt flexibly to market demands 
In the UK, a long-term package of assistance activities in the employment of graduates is being 
implemented. Beginning with the senior school, professional advisers provide students with career guidance 
and clarification of target settings, organization of orientation tours and assistance in finding a job. Thus, even 
before the stage of admission to the university with applicants, a comprehensive and continuous work is carried 
out in vocational guidance and self-determination in the world of professions. 
Interaction of the employment centers of French educational institutions is based on consulting support in 
the educational process. Together with the professional advisers, a plan is developed for the student's 
educational and professional activities, based on the results of professional diagnostics, the motivational 
conclusions of the learner himself, taking into account the opinion of parents and teachers [3]. In addition, 
joint programs of local representative offices for professional and social adaptation are being implemented.
The structures of German universities include consulting bureaus that implement the functions of 
accompanying the student in the educational process. Consultations are carried out on a wide range of issues: 
from facilitating the transfer to other areas of training to support in complex social relations. However, the 
intermediary functions for building the relations «graduate-employer» are not implemented by specialists of 
consulting offices. The labor-intensive conjuncture forces universities to introduce career guidance bureaus, 
however, according to [4], their number does not exceed fifty. 

There was a special practice of assisting graduates in higher educational institutions of Japan with 
employment, based on a clear interaction of universities, enterprises and intermediary firms. The 
organizational structure of the universities includes career centers. All first-year students are required to 
register and attend a two-year cycle of seminars on employment [5]. The search for work for those entering 
the organization, adhering to the lifelong hiring system, is rigidly standardized (both in sequence of procedures 
and in terms of terms). By the beginning of the third year, students should post resume on job search sites. In 
the future, the employment functions from the career center are transferred to leading recruiting companies 
that organize meetings of employers and students in the format «Fair of Enterprise Presentations». Students 
are entitled to apply directly to the employer-essay once a year. During the next three months, the employer 
conducts a selection, including an exam and a series of interviews.
In June, graduates receive an oral notification of the results of the selection, and on the first of October - a 
written notification of enrollment. The main purpose of the career center of the university is to prepare the 
student for a competitive struggle for the «best» employer. Students are initially informed about the need to 
get a job, as only graduates of one year participate in the competition. In the future, the chance of a good job 
is significantly reduced. Therefore, the work on preparation for the exam and interview is conducted from the 
first year under the guidance and supervision of university specialists. It is possible to single out both 
advantages and disadvantages of the Japanese practice of employment and the consequences of its 
implementation. We focus attention on the role and activities of the university in the formation of job search 
competencies, interviewing and the psychological preparation of the graduate to change their status. 
For Russian undergraduates, the simultaneous graduation of an institution and the beginning of work is also 
characteristic. More than 80% of the graduates who defend the diploma, are employed or have preliminary 
agreements with the employer. The effect of intermediary structures of higher educational institutions – 
employment centers in the formation of labor relations with the employer is minimal (author's research data): 
only one in ten graduates applied to university employment centers or used other channels with the 

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