ПоәК 042-18-38-92/03-2013 №1 басылым

Methodical recommendations

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Methodical recommendations:

1. Read the text and to try to understand without the dictionary.

2. Discuss the text with your group mates.

3. Write a short composition about Arithmetic.


1. Е.И.Курашвили. Английский язык для студентов – физиков.

Москва Астрель. АСТ 2005

2. Е.В. Хомутова. Интенсивный курс английского языка для физиков. Издательство Московского университета 1983

Lesson № 7

Theme: Revision lesson

Lexical Control test
Lesson №8

Theme: Matter and electrecity

Purpose of lesson:

1. to acquaint with history of mathematics and with the scientists in the field of mathematics

2. to develop communication on foreign language connecting with culture, policy and society

3.to communicate with partner on the subject

Text: Matter and electrecity
1.By the turn of the century the intimate relationship between matter and electricity was becoming widely accepted. Thomson’s tiny particle of electricity, the electron, was apparently the constituent of all sorts of atoms. It could be removed from atoms of copper or lead, from oxygen or nitrogen. No matter where it came from, the electron was the same size and carried the same amount of electricity. It was an electrical building- block from which all atoms were made.

2. So, less than a century after science had been reorganized by the atomic theory, the indivisible, indestructible atoms were beginning to fall apart. The atom of any element remained the smallest particle of that element which could maintain an independent existence; but even so, it could be disrupted into smaller particles, apparently electrical in nature.

3. This link- up between electricity and matter was to cause a revolution in the world of science. Yet it has not taken us very much further in our attempts to answer the question ”What is matter?” the recognition of matter as electricity does little more than gives a name for something that had not been named before.

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