ПоәК 042-18-38-92/03-2013 №1 басылым

Methodical recommendations

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Methodical recommendations:

1. Read the text and translate it. Look up the words you do not know in a dictionary

2. Do lexical exercises

3. Asking and answering the questions on this subject


1. Е.И.Курашвили. Английский язык для студентов – физиков.

Москва Астрель. АСТ 2005

2. Е.В. Хомутова. Интенсивный курс английского языка для физиков. Издательство Московского университета 1983

Lesson № 5.

Theme: Word building Suffixes

The suffixes of verbs

Text: Radiation

Purpose of lesson:

1. to read and to understand the text on sspecialty

2. to enlarge lexical minimum and enrich lexicon on a subject

3. to interest students in studying professional focused foreign language

The suffixes of verbs

-ate,ute: to indicate, to execute

- en: to sharpen, to blacken

- ify: to simplfy, to classify

- ise,ize: to characterize, to crystallize

Text: Radiation

  1. When the sun comes over the horizon in the early morning, the heat can be felt as soon as the sun becomes visible. This heat, called radiant heat or radiation, travels with the speed of light, 186,000 mi/s.

  2. Radiant heat is one of the many forms of energy and is easily detected by means of a radiometer, thermocouple, thermometer, and so on. In daylight, the little pinwheel made of mica, will spin around as if by perpetual motion.

  3. Each vane of a Crooke’s radiometer is shiny on one face and blackened on the other. The black faces absorb more radiant energy than the polished surfaces, so that the air around is heated. The faster spinning air molecules exert a larger force on the blackened sides.

  4. Radiant heat ray, like visible light, are electromagnetic waves and have all the general properties known to visible light. The difference between the two is that heat waves, sometimes called intra-red rays, are not visible to the human eye.

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