ПоәК 042-18-38-92/03-2013 №1 басылым

Methodical recommendations

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Methodical recommendations:

1. Read the text and add some facts about mathematics

2. Do lexical exercise with the help of dictionary

3. Write a short composition about physics science


1. Е.И.Курашвили. Английский язык для студентов – физиков.

Москва Астрель. АСТ 2005

2. Е.В. Хомутова. Интенсивный курс английского языка для физиков. Издательство Московского университета 1983

Lesson № 3

Theme: Word building Suffixes

The suffixes of nouns

Theme: Atomic structure of matter

Purpose of lesson:

1. to read and to understand the text on sspecialty

2. to enlarge lexical minimum and enrich lexicon on a subject

3. to interest students in studying professional focused foreign language

The suffixes of nouns

  • ability, - ibility: probability, possibility.

  • age: passage, marriage

  • ance,ence: importance, difference

  • dom: freedom

  • er,or: teacher, worker

  • ion: collection, connection

  • ism: tourism

  • ist: physicist,artist

  • ment: agreement

  • th: depth, growth

  • ty: safety

  • ure: creature, mixture

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