Практикум по английскому языку для студентов неспециальных факультетов (в цикле общеобразовательных дисциплин) г. Актобе

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Англ практикум


Focus on Reading
1.Write your associations to the picture.
_ _______________________________










2.Give the equivalents to the following words.







a stuff

an advice

A forehead




a laugh

3. Match the sentences in A with the ones in B.
1. He likes wearing jeans and a. he never says sorry.

2. He’s always late for everything and b. but my favourite is jazz.

3. I’m from Scotland, c. Brian is the first person I ask for advice

4. I’m very happy to meet new people, d. everything will be fine.

5. If I have a problem, e. so I only see him at weekends and during the holidays.

6. He’s important to me because f. and we enjoy the same things – football

7. He thinks g.but now I live in London

8. We have a really good laugh together h.he knows me so well.

9. He studies in a different city now, i. sport shoes too.

10. I listen to all kinds of music, j. I’m sociable.

4. Read the text “Actions speak louder than words”. 
My name’s Mark Clifford. I’m from Scotland, but now I live in London. I am a student. I study medicine. I’m 17, I’m Scorpio and I’m single. I am of average height. I have got dark hair, green eyes. Let’s say athletic built. I speak English, French. I’m very happy to meet new people, I’m sociable. I like eating out, reading and travelling. I listen to all kinds of music, but my favourite is jazz. I love football - it’s my favourite sport.

My oldest friend is Brian. He is well- built and has broad shoulders. His hair is black. His forehead is quite low, he has got thick eyebrows. Brian usually wears sport clothes. He likes wearing jeans and sport shoes too. He studies in a different city now, so I only see him at weekends and during the holidays. He’s important to me because he knows me so well.

We have a really good laugh together and we enjoy the same things – football, clubbing, the usual stuff. If I have a problem, Brian is the first person I ask for advice – and he always gives me good advice. He always has good hopes for the future. He thinks everything will be fine. He’s very optimistic. But he isn’t perfect. He’s always late for everything and he never says sorry. Never! Oh, well, nobody’s perfect, are they? He’s still a really good mate.

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