Expected results:
Students should know:
- categories of scientific knowledge (phenomena and facts, concepts, laws, theoretical conclusions);
- methods of scientific cognition (observation, experiment, construction of hypotheses and models, derivation of consequences and their verification);
- concepts, quantities, laws provided for in program material, in English;
- the main values of the lexical units studied;
- features of the structure of simple and complex sentences.
Students should be able to:
- use the methods of scientific investigation of natural phenomena, establish relationships between physical quantities, explain the results obtained and draw conclusions;
- apply theoretical knowledge in solving life problems in various fields of activity;
- describe and explain physical phenomena;
- draw conclusions from the listened material with contextual prompts;
- to formulate simple questions based on the material heard;
- convey the main idea of the text;
- to anticipate the content of the text with the help of headings, photographs, keywords, excerpts on a familiar topic;
- ask simple and complex questions for obtaining specific information and responding to them;
- interact with students (in pairs, in a group) to complete assignments;
- fill out tables, diagrams, schemes, questionnaires, forms;
- make notes on the text in accordance with the communicative task.
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