С. К. Игибаев қазақстан тарихының өзекті мәселелері Актуальные проблемы истории Казахстана Монография

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Монография. Игибаев С.К.(1)

CGA RK - Central'nyj Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Respubliki Kazahstan [The central state archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan].
Denisov, 1891 - Denisov NA. (1891). O chastnoj zolotopromyshlennosti v Zapadnoj Sibiri (Iz otcheta Tomskogo gornogo upravleniya 1890 g.) [On the private gold industry in Western Siberia (From the report of the Tomsk Mining Administration in 1890)]. Gornyj zhurnal. – №12. – T. 4. [in Russian]
Doklad, 1863 - Doklad o gosudarstvennom dohode s zolotyh promyslov [Report on government revenue from gold mining]. – SPb., 1863. – №20. [in Russian]
GAAK - Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Altajskogo kraya [The state archive of Altai Krai].
GATO - Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Tomskoj oblasti [The state archive of Tomsk Krai].
Geognosticheskie poezdki 1853 - Geognosticheskie poezdki v vostochnuyu chast' Kirgizskoi stepi v 1849 i 1851 godakh shtabs-kapitana Vlangali [Geognostic trips to the eastern part of the Kyrgyz steppe in 1849 and 1851 of the head captain Vlangali]. Gornyizhurnal. – Ch. II. – Kn. 4, Kn. 5. – SPb., 1853. [in Russian]
Gornaya promyshlennost', 1911 - Gornaya promyshlennost'. Zolotopromyshlennost'. Obzor Turgaiskoi oblasti za 1910 g. [Mining. Gold mining. Overview of the Turgai region for 1910]. Orenburg, 1911. [in Russian]
Gornaya promyshlennost', 1915 - Gornaya promyshlennost'. Zolotopromyshlennost'. Obzor Turgaiskoi oblasti za 1914 g. [Mining. Gold mining. Overview of the Turgai region for 1914]. Orenburg, 1915. [in Russian]
Gornaya promyshlennost', 1916 - Gornaya promyshlennost'. Zolotopromyshlennost'. Obzor Turgaiskoi oblasti za 1915 g. [Mining. Gold mining. Overview of the Turgai region for 1915]. Orenburg, 1916. [in Russian]
Gornozavodskaya promyshlennost' Sibiri, 1904 - Gornozavodskaya promyshlennost' Sibiri v 1903 g. Semipalatinsko-Semirechenskii gornyi okrug [Mining industry of Siberia in 1903. Semipalatinsk-Semirechensky mountain district]. Gornye izolotopromyshlennye izvestiya. – №23. [in Russian]
Gornozavodskaya promyshlennost' Sibiri, 1908 - Gornozavodskaya promyshlennost' Sibiri v 1908 g. [Mining industry of Siberia in 1908]. Gornye i zolotopromyshlennye izvestiya. – №24. – Pp. 299-300. [in Russian]
Kocovskij, 1904 - Kocovskij V.D. (1904). Otchet po statistiko-ekonomicheskomu i tekhnicheskomu issledovaniyu zolotopromyshlennosti Semipalatinskoj i Semirechenskoj oblastej [Report on the statistical, economic and technical study of the gold industry of the Semipalatinsk and Semirechensk regions]. – Ch. 1. – SPb. [in Russian]
Kolychev, 1904 - Kolychev A. (1904). Rabochie na priiskah Sibiri [Workers in the Siberian mines]. Tomskaya gornaya oblast'. SPb. [in Russian]
Korrespondenciya iz Zajsanskogo uezda, 1912 - Korrespondenciya iz Zajsanskogo uezda // Gornye i zolotopromyshlennye izvestiya [Correspondence from Zaysan County]. – 1912. – №13. – Pp. 297-298. [in Russian]
Krasovskij, 1868 - Krasovskij M. (1868). Oblast' sibirskih kirgizov. CH.2. SPb., 1868 [The region of the siberian kyrgyz. Part 2. St. Petersburg, 1868]. Materialy dlya geografii i statistiki Rossii, sobrannye oficerami general'nogo shtaba. – T. 16. [in Russian]
Kulibin, 1883 - Kulibin K.A. (1883). O merah k usileniyu dobychi zolota v Rossii [On measures to strengthen gold production in Russia]. Gornyj zhurnal. – T. 1. – №13. [in Russian]
Kulibin, 1893 - Kulibin K.A. (1893). Nasha zolotopromyshlennost' [Our gold industry]. Vestnik zolotopromyshlennosti i gornogo dela voobshche. – №2. [in Russian]
Kulibin, 1908 - Kulibin A.K. (1908). Tekhnika razrabotki mestorozhdenij zolota [Technique for the development of gold deposits]. Zoloto iplatina. – №8. [in Russian]
Levshin, 1996 - Levshin A.I. (1996). Opisanie kirgiz-kazach'ih, ili kirgiz-kajsackih, ord i stepej [Description of the Kyrgyz-Cossack, or Kyrgyz-Kaisatsky, hordes and steppes]. – Almaty. – 655 p. [in Russian]
Obruchev, 1912 - Obruchev VA. (1912). K orfografii i geologii Kalbinskogo hrebta [To the spelling and geology of the Kalba ridge]. Gornye izolotopromyshlennye izvestiya. – №12. – Pp. 208-211. [in Russian]
Otchet gornogo departamenta..., 1894 - Otchet gornogo departamenta za 1892 g. [Report of the mining department for 1892]. Vestnik zolotopromyshlennosti i gornogo dela voobshche. – №18. [in Russian]
Pallas, 1786 - Pallas P.S. (1786). Puteshestvie po raznym provinciyam Rossijskoj imperii [Traveling to different provinces of the Russian Empire. Part 2]. – Ch. 2. – Kn. 2. – SPb. [in Russian]
Pervyj vserossijskij s"ezd..., 1907 - Pervyj vserossijskij s"ezd zoloto i platino-promyshlennikov [The first all-russian congress of gold and platinum producers]. Gornye i zolotopromyshlennye izvestiya. – №9. [in Russian]
Potanin, 1997 - Potanin G.N. (1997). Tajzhane [Taizhan]. Tomsk. 302 p. [in Russian]
PSZ RI-1, 1713 - Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii [Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire]. – SPb., 1713. [in Russian]
PSZ RI-2, 1731 - Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii [Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire]. – SPb., 1731. [in Russian]
PSZ RI-3, 1835 - Polnoe sobranie zakonov Rossijskoj imperii [Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire]. – SPb., 1835. [in Russian]
Sborovskij, 1896 - Sborovskij AA. (1896). Materialy k izucheniyu gornogo dela v stepnyh oblastyah Zapadnoj Sibiri i Tobol'skoj gubernii [Materials for the study of mining in the steppe regions of Western Siberia and Tobolsk province]. Zapiski Zapadno-Sibirskogo otdela imperatorskogo russkogo geograficheskogo obshchestva. Kn. XIX. Omsk. [in Russian]
Sborovskij, 1908 - Sborovskij A.A. (1908). Otchet po statistiko-ekonomicheskomu i tekhnicheskomu issledovaniyu zolotopromyshlennosti Kokchetavskogo rajona [Report on the statistical, economic and technical study of the gold industry of the Kokchetav district]. – SPb., 230 p. [in Russian]
Semevskij, 1898 - Semevskij V.I. (1898). Rabochie na sibirskih zolotyh promyslah [Workers in the Siberian gold mining]. – T. 2. – SPb. [in Russian]
Svedeniya o dobyche zolota..., 1894 - Svedeniya o dobyche zolota na priiskah Rossijskogo zolotopromyshlennogo obshchestva za dekabr' mesyac 1912 g. [nformation about the extraction of gold at the mines of the Russian Gold Industry Society for the month of December 1912]. Zoloto i platina. – №18. [in Russian]
Ustav, 1893 - Ustav o chastnoj zolotopromyshlennosti [Charter on the private gold industry]. – 1893. – SPb., 1904. [in Russian]
V mestnyj s"ezd, 1906 - V mestnyj s"ezd zolotopromyshlennikov Stepnogo YUzhnogo gornogo okruga [V local congress of gold miners of the Steppe-Southern mountain district]. Gornye i zolotopromyshlennye izvestiya. – 1906. – №21. – Pp. 237-239. [in Russian]
Zolotopromyshlennost', 1895 - Zolotopromyshlennost'. Obzor Semipalatinskoj oblasti za 1894 g. [Gold mining. Review of the Semipalatinsk region for 1894.]. Semipalatinsk. [in Russian]
Zolotopromyshlennost', 1897 - Zolotopromyshlennost'. Obzor Semipalatinskoj oblasti za 1895 g. [Gold mining. Review of the Semipalatinsk region for 1895]. Semipalatinsk, 1897. [in Russian]
Zolotopromyshlennost', 1901 - Zolotopromyshlennost'. Obzor Semipalatinskoj oblasti za 1900 g. [Gold mining. Overview of the Semipalatinsk region for 1900]. Semipalatinsk, 1901. [in Russian]
Zolotopromyshlennost', 1907 - Zolotopromyshlennost'. Obzor Semipalatinskoj oblasti za 1906 g. [Gold mining. Review of the Semipalatinsk region for 1906]. Semipalatinsk. – Pp. 48-49. [in Russian]
Zolotopromyshlennost', 1912 - Zolotopromyshlennost' v stepi [Gold mining in the steppe]. Gornye i zolotopromyshlennye izvestiya. – 1912. – №14. [in Russian]
Zolotopromyshlennost', 1913 - Zolotopromyshlennost'. Obzor Semipalatinskoj oblasti za 1911 g. [Gold mining. Review of the Semipalatinsk region for 1911]. Semipalatinsk, 1913. – Pp. 46-47. [in Russian]

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