Сабақ жоспары Introductory lessons The theme: Republic of Kazakhstan. Geographical position. Population. Nur-Sultan is the capital of Kazakhstan. (сабақ тақырыбы) Модуль /пән атауы Шетел тілі Дайындаған оқытушы: Жолаушиева Р

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3. Сабақты жабдықтау
Оқу-әдістемелік құрал-жабдықтар, анықтамалық әдебиеттер
English in Mind 5 Student’s Book Unit 1 Legend or Truth? English in Mind Legend or Truth?
https://elt.oup.com/student/practicegrammar/test?cc=gb&selLang uage=en
History, Literature
Техникалық құралдар, материалдар
Internet resources: Youtube, bandicam,e-college platform,slide sheets.
4. Сабақтың барысы
Lead -in/Bell Work:
Greeting moment: good morning, dear students! Now let’s begin our lesson…
The newcomers will introduce themselves in written form and will send the done work to teacher by e-college platform.
- To introduce this unit and give students something to think about at the start of the lesson, learners are to say a few words about Kazakhstan, its geographical position.
- Display the slide for students to see as they walk in from the hall way, tell them not to discuss their ideas
Explanation of the new material:
Key Vocab Term:
- Show PPT slide 4 and review what students know about the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Show slide 5. Have students write the definition into their copybooks. Second-hand many need further explanation.
Think-Pair-Share: Students look at slide 6. Teachers give students 30 seconds of quiet time to think about an urban legend they know. Then, they get 2-3 minutes to share this legend with a friend. Finally, the friend shares the main ideas of the legend with the class.
Kazakhstan is located in Central Asia and Eastern Europe at 48°N 68°ECoordinates:  48°N 68°E. With an area of about 2,724,900 square kilometers, Kazakhstan is more than twice the combined size of the other four Central Asian states and 60% larger than Alaska. The country borders Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan to the south; Russia to the north; Russia and the Caspian Sea to the west; and China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region to the east.

Reflection moment:
can be used both at the end of the lesson and to summarize any kind of activity.
If I feel that learners want to move more in the lesson, then this type of work is acceptable for me. This technique
Егер мен сабақта білімалушылардың көбірек қозғалғысы келетінін сезсем, онда бұл жұмыс түрі мен үшін қолайлы. Бұл әдістемені сабақ соңында да, кез-келген іс-әрекетті қорытындылау үшін де қолдануға болады.
Присесть, согнув ноги, – не высокая оценка.

  • Обычная поза «Руки по швам» - удовлетворительная оценка.

  • Поднять руки в локтях – хорошая оценка.

  • Поднять вверх, хлопая в ладони, – оценка «отлично».

8. Как вариант учащимся можно предложить небольшую анкету, заполнение которой можно менять, дополнять в зависимости от того, на какие элементы урока обращается особое внимание. Можно попросить обучающихся аргументировать свой ответ.
1. На уроке я работал
2. Своей работой на уроке я
3. Урок для меня показался
4. За урок я
5. Мое настроение
6. Материал урока мне был

5. Сабақ бойынша рефлексия
You’ve now had English classes in practical English ….what do you need to review/practice? (grammar, speaking, present perfect…etc.) What do you think you are excelling at?

6. Үй тапсырмасы
1. Read the text and translate underlined words:

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