Сабақтарда оқушының өзіндік жұмысын ұйымдастыруға, қолдануға, өз бетімен ізденуге жағдай жасауымыз керек

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Modern methods of organizing independent work of students in foreign language lessons in high school

Tagaeva Asem Kaldybaevna


Сабақтарда оқушының өзіндік жұмысын ұйымдастыруға, қолдануға, өз бетімен ізденуге жағдай жасауымыз керек. Біздің айтқанымызды, түсіндіргенімізді қайтадан өзімізге ғана айтып қоймай, түрлі қосымша тапсырмаларды алып, интернеттен, ақпарат көздерінен материал жинайды, сабақта реферат етіп жазған сол жаңалықтарын оқып, қысқаша ауызша айтып қорғайды. Ол үшін оның өткен жылдары алған білімдері, дағды, шеберліктері негіз бола алады. Сондықтан өздік жұмыс істеуге, өз бетімен жұмыс істеуге ерте кезден үйреткен жөн.

Түйін сөздер:талдау жасау, сөйлеу мәдениеті,дағды,материал


На занятиях мы должны создать условия для организации, применения, самостоятельного поиска самостоятельной работы ученика. То, что мы говорим, объясняем, мы не только рассказываем себе, но и берем различные дополнительные задания, собираем материал из интернета, источников, читаем те новости, которые мы написали на уроке, кратко пересказываем устно. Основой для этого могут служить знания, умения, умения, приобретенные им в прошлые годы. Поэтому лучше приучать к самостоятельной работе, работе над собой с самого раннего возраста.

Ключевые слова:анализ, культура речи, умения, материал
The results of the practical lesson made it possible to develop a number of methodological recommendations for organizing interactive activities of students in foreign language lessons in high school, which can be used by practical students and teachers. In this regard, we were helped by the analysis of methodological literature on the problem under study.
First of all, it should be remembed that interactive interaction is the interaction of any subjects with each other using the tools and methods available to them. At the same time, it is expected that both parties will actively participate in the dialogue - exchange of questions and answers, dialogue management, monitoring the implementation of decisions taken, etc.
The interactive learning model denies the dominance of any participant or any idea in the educational process. From the object of influence, the student becomes the object of interaction, he takes an active part in the learning process, relying on his personal orientation.
The core of interactive teaching methods is active methods - forms of learning aimed at developing students ' independent thinking and ability to solve tasks.
The purpose of training is to develop students ' thinking skills, help them solve problems, expand and deepen knowledge, as well as develop practical skills and communication skills in a foreign language. These features of interactive interaction allow us to formulate the following recommendations:
1. interactive learning will be successful and useful for students if:
- the teacher determines the purpose of the activity in advance;
- description of methods and means of interactive interaction, i.e. actions
development of tactics;
- drawing up a tactical implementation plan;
-determines the sequence of their actions, that is, the logic of the course and development of the action, its internal laws;
- prepare the necessary materials on the issue of interest to him
read the literature.
2.when preparing for classes using interactive methods, you need to choose the right type of work.
To do this, remember the following criteria::
- tasks;
- number of lesson participants;
- age characteristics of students;
- level of students ' knowledge;
- experience of students in this type of activity;

- your own experience;

- conditions for completing this lesson.
3. the teacher should fully and thoroughly present the organization and conduct the following classes:setting goals and working on them;
- selection of the content, forms and tools of the work;
- thinking about ways to organize activities;
- logical construction of actions and planning time;
- predict the nature of the course of activities,predict possible difficulties and problems, and choose ways to overcome and eliminate them.
4.when planning an interactive activity, the teacher must correctly organize the activities of each student and constantly monitor its implementation. Use the following Organization guidelines:
- organizes the work of students in groups, they compare the conclusions proposed by them and select the most popular or most popular ones, and then speak on behalf of the group;
- organizes the work of students in groups, where each member of the group receives an individual result that should achieve a general result; invite students to discuss the information of each person and find only one correct solution.
- organize work in pairs so that students can express their views on the problem, their own opinion;
- the feelings and thoughts of each student so that all students can understand the tasks assigned to them and solve the situations you create organize an activating role-playing game;
- invite students to discuss problematic situations, ask discussion questions with at least two conflicting opinions;
"what?"..? Ask questions that start with, " what are you talking about?" where ...? when ...? why ...? "receives the necessary information from the interlocutor;
- give students the opportunity to discuss questions in pairs, and in front of the entire class;
- organize the work so that all students participate;
monitor the process of their interaction, make sure that the "weak" do not take all the work to the "strong" and do not switch to the native language when discussing the problem. 5.there may be practical errors in the preparation and conduct of classes using interactive methods. Try to avoid them. These errors include:
- lack of ideas about specific goals of interactive interaction and its final results;
- the chosen form or method of conducting an interactive lesson is not related to or contradicts the goals set;
- the teacher performs the functions that the students themselves can perform;
- inconsistency in the organization of interactive interaction is allowed;
- students do not receive the information they need to perform certain actions correctly.
Remember when preparing and conducting classes using interactive methods:
- a three-part model for organizing an interactive task must be implemented;

- Do not miss any stage (preparatory, informational, final); summing up should be based mainly on the result of the work (whether students independently solve the problem or not);

- more attention should be paid to group and pair forms of work;
- it is necessary to encourage students to engage in interactive interaction (at this stage of learning, choose the lesson material, taking into account the interests of students). The use of the proposed set of recommendations in practical classes and foreign language lessons ensures the effectiveness and effectiveness of training.
V. P. Kuzovleva on the analysis of domestic and foreign UMS in English “English 10-11” from the point of view of using methods of interactive interaction in it, on average, each topic of the textbook contains exercises for the development of skills of speaking a foreign language.
Of them are front-facing exercises: the teacher says, "What do you think about....Can you explain ...? Ask questions such as: Can you explain?"..? "Real students. Group forms of work, including pair work (making small dialogues: dialogue - interrogation, dialogue - exchange of views, etc.), include about exercises on the topic, including project work at the end of each topic. UMO M. Z. Biboletova. "Enjoy English 10" includes 38 exercises for learning a foreign language. Including 4-5 exercises for front-end work, about 18 mini - discussion tasks, 4 mini-projects on each topic of the textbook, as well as 11 exercises for the development of dialogic speech. Educational materials "Opportunities Intermediate" by M. Harris, D. Mauer offer 20 exercises for developing communication skills in a foreign language. Among them are 7-9 exercises for frontal work and 9-11 exercises for group work, including discussions and pair work.
The analysis of CMD data allowed us to conclude that the methods of interactive interaction are insufficiently presented in textbooks, and there are no specific recommendations in the "book for teachers" on the methods of their application, organization, maintenance, control and evaluation. A set of interactive interaction methods for teaching English to secondary school students, the effectiveness of which was tested in experimental training, was determined during two experiments at the state institution "Lyceum No3" in Orenburg. Such methods include: POPS-formulas, role-playing games, discussions, tic - tac-tension, clusters, project method, as well as working in pairs and subgroups. When using interactive interaction methods, it is necessary to adhere to a three-part model for performing interactive-oriented tasks, which includes three stages: preparatory, informational, and final.To help a foreign language teacher, methodological recommendations are developed for organizing interactive activities of students in secondary school classes consisting of six groups. They focus on the preparation, planning, organization, implementation and control of interactive interactions, and there are recommendations aimed at preventing methodological errors.
This thesis is devoted to the actual problem of the modern methodology of teaching a foreign language: the development of intercultural communication skills through the organization of interactive activities of students in foreign language lessons.
The analysis of the psychological, pedagogical, linguodidactic, methodological literature, as well as the results of experimental training, allowed us to draw the following conclusions: interactive interaction is a method of learning implemented in the form of joint activities of students, in which all participants in the educational process interact with each other, exchange information, jointly solve problems, model situations, evaluate the actions of colleagues and their behavior, and, if possible, enter the atmosphere of business cooperation ju problems.
The methodological basis of teaching interactive activity is an interactive approach as a form of communication. The interactive approach to teaching a foreign language implies active interaction of participants in the educational process, in which the exchange of true, personally relevant information in a foreign language and mutual enrichment of interpersonal communication skills. At the same time, it is important not only to learn how to exchange information in a foreign language, but also to master the self-development of the communication process (it is important to listen and listen to a communication partner, organize your thoughts in a logical and justified way, orally or in writing, communicate with people of different types, etc.). G.). The interactive method provides interactive learning of a foreign language by organizing interactive activities.
Interactive learning-learning based on the student's interaction with the learning environment, the learning environment that engages in the learning experience. Interactive learning in foreign language lessons involves the organization and development of dialogic communication, which leads to mutual understanding, interaction, joint solution of common but important tasks for each participant. The student becomes a full-fledged participant in the educational process, and his experience is the main source of Education. The teacher does not give Ready-Made knowledge, encourages participants to search independently. The activity of the teacher opens the way for the activity of students, and the task of the teacher is to create conditions for their initiative. Interactive learning of a foreign language involves the use of such methods as educational, role - playing and business Games; design method; discussion, discussion; brainstorming; POPS-formula, cluster.
The analysis of educational materials in English for students of grades 9-11 showed that the methods of interactive interaction are insufficiently presented in textbooks, in addition, there are no specific recommendations in the "book for teachers" on the methods of their application, organization, maintenance, control and evaluation.
In order to identify a set of interactive methods of teaching English to students in secondary schools, experimental training for students in grades 9-11 was organized. The results of experimental learning allowed us to recognize that interactive learning in English lessons creates an atmosphere of easy communication, in which the role of the teacher changes. Introduces new methods into the educational process, enlivens students, eliminates some formalism in learning, eliminates the memory and destruction of "book" knowledge, introduces active thinking, creative independence in the process of cognition of the world.

It is established that the experimental training course is the most effective methods of interactive learning in foreign language lessons.discussion, role - playing game, POPS formula, cluster, project activities, as well as working in pairs and groups. They contribute to the development of the following skills: asking and answering questions; starting, supporting and ending a conversation in standard communication conditions; answering your own opinion, request, or offer to the interlocutor with consent or rejection based on the topics studied and lexicographic materials; express your point of view on what you have read or heard.

Such methods of teaching a foreign language require a thorough study of the three-part model for performing interactive-oriented tasks, which includes three stages: preparatory, informational and final.
In order to help a foreign language teacher, methodological recommendations for organizing interactive interaction in foreign language lessons in high school were developed, and the specifics of interactive interaction were taken into account. The guidelines focus on preparing, planning, organizing, conducting, and monitoring interactive interactions, as well as preventing possible errors.
Thus, we believe that the goals of the study have been solved, and its goals have been fulfilled.

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