Қазақстан Республикасының Білім және ғылым министрлігі
Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан
Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
атты атты ІІI Халықаралық оқу-әдістемелік
конференциясының материалдар жинағы
26 қаңтар, 2017
Сборник материалов
ІІІ Международной конференции
26 января, 2017
Collected articles of
ІІІ International Educational-Methodical Conference
26 January, 2017
Алматы, 2017
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Сборник материалов ІІІ Международной конференции
УДК 811
ББК 81.2
Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
Научный редактор Г.Б. Мадиева
Редакционная коллегия: Г.Б. Мадиева
(ответственный редактор), Н.А. Исмайлова,
М.К. Мамбетова, А.З. Кайбулдаева
Актуальные вопросы филологии и методики преподавания
иностранных языков: теория и практика: ІІІ Международная учебно-
методическая конференция (материалы докладов и сообщений) / Науч. ред.
Г.Б. Мадиева. – Алматы: 2017. - 165 с.
ISBN 978-601-04-2585-9
Сборник материалов конференции подготовлен на факультете филологии и
мировых языков Казахского национального университета имени аль-Фараби.
Все публикации даются в авторской редакции.
УДК 811
ББК 81.2
ISBN 978-601-04-2585-9 © КазНУ им. аль-Фараби, 2017
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Сборник материалов ІІІ Международной конференции
Kamzina A.А., Aksholakova A., Kenzhekanova K.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
The article deals with the process of communicative competence formation in
teaching foreign languages. Communicative competence is considered as a broad
term that involves not only the structural features of a language, but also its social,
pragmatic and contextual characteristics.
Key words: communication, foreign language, competence, teaching.
XXI century is a new stage in the development of modern society. Most of
the political, economic and socio-cultural changes of recent years are inextricably
linked with the desire of countries (including Kazakhstan) to an open society and
integration into the European cultural and educational space.
The overriding strategic objective of education in Kazakhstan is on the one
hand the preservation of the best Kazakhstan educational traditions, on the other
providing graduates with international qualification skills, develop their linguistic
consciousness, which is mastering the public, native and foreign languages.
In Kazakhstan until cultural and economic ties between the two countries and
peoples development the role of foreign language learning. Every year is increased
demand for professionals who speak foreign languages. The most important
directions in the development of education today include the use of a competent
approach. We are talking about the formation of abilities and skills related to the
application in practice of communicative abilities of the person, its cultural, social
and information competencies.
This issue has been widely discussed in the scientific and educational
literature, but in high schools dominated the cognitive approach, and students have
to memorize a lot of information, rather than to develop the basic competencies
necessary for successful activity. In this regard, and with the development of high
technologies, globalization of the economy and improved social communication
system have a question about the development of new methods of language teaching,
more efficient and effective. In place of the usual method of teaching through books,
studying grammar and the implementation of similar exercises, reading and
approach. When using the grammar-translation method, students learn the correct
translation from the Kazakh language into a foreign and foreign to the Kazakh and
in-depth study grammar. However, such a student is capable of perfectly translated
texts in writing, cannot speak a foreign language these gaps eliminates
Communicative method.
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Сборник материалов ІІІ Международной конференции
This article discusses examples of teaching methods of foreign languages as
part of the communicative approach to teaching. From the modern professional
requires not only a foreign language, but also the ability to apply it effectively in the
field of consumer and professional communication. But this is impossible without
the knowledge of social norms, cultural values, traditions of other nations. Most
people are multilingual due to natural language contacts in areas with a mixed
population. Another important factor is that many people travel, exploring the
culture of others, migrated, keeping their traditions, and using not only their native
language, but also foreign. An important role in the formation of multilingual played
by mass media (Internet, media). Other reason for multilingualism, in our view, is
the development of second and third language in educational institutions. Proof of
this are the words of our head of State Nursultan Nazarbayev in address to the nation
on the 2014 need ownership of the younger generation in three languages: Kazakh,
Russian and English.
One of the objectives of foreign language teaching – the development of
foreign language communicative competence, therefore, the main purpose of
learning a foreign language is to develop communicative competence, i.e. the ability
and willingness to implement foreign language in interpersonal and intercultural
communication with native speakers. The use of communicative approach in
teaching foreign languages contributes to the formation of skills to communicate in
a foreign language, i.e. to acquire communicative competence – the ability to use all
types of speech activity: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Communication in
a foreign language is not only the process of transmitting and receiving information,
but also the regulation of relations among partners, establishing a different kind of
interaction, the ability to assess, to analyze the situation of communication, is
subjective to assess your communication potential and to make the necessary
decision. In accordance with the state educational standard of Kazakhstan in foreign
languages communicative competence should include the following essential
abilities: – read and understand simple, authentic texts (with the understanding of
the basic content and with a full understanding); – oral form briefly tell us about
yourself, the environment, to Express an opinion, assess; – to communicate orally in
standard situations, work-study, cultural and everyday life spheres; – the ability in
writing to issue and transfer the basic information (writing).
For mastering foreign language communication requires special learning
skills. The student must be taught to rationally organize the memorization of foreign
language material, to independently activate the linguistic material, to trace the
interdisciplinary connections, working in pairs in the implementation of foreign
actions, to see challenges when working on linguistic elements.
For students studying a foreign language, an important task is to enrich their
vocabulary. For many, this becomes a serious problem. Someone just learns these
words, somebody builds association, someone remembers the words only after they
hear or see them somewhere and use them in speech. The task of the teacher is to
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Сборник материалов ІІІ Международной конференции
track how well the student learns new words. In the framework of the traditional
(grammar-translation) approach the teachers just ask in native (i.e. Kazakh) the
student, the translation of the words and the student say them in a foreign language.
However, there is a more efficient method, developing as remembering words and
communication skills in a foreign language. So, the teacher before class prepare the
flashcards with new words and arranges them so as not to be seen the words, then
the students are divided into several groups two by two. First student, pulling the
card, sees the word, which he tries to explain in a foreign language to his partner.
The second student must guess what word explains the first student and then says it
in a foreign language. Thus, the students explain to each other words, what makes
them "to feel" these words – and that's not rote memorization (word-translation). We
think that in this way new words are better mastered by students.
Another one more way to test the level of training of students is the next game
using the presentation prepared in Power Point. The teacher shows slides on the
explanation of new words in a foreign language. First student that says a word gets
one point. Who pick up more points wins the game (if the game is played in an
educational institution, it is possible for it to rate). Thanks to the spirit of competition
the students will be better at home learning words, and then to win in the classroom.
In addition, the process of checking new words again passes without transition to
native students of the language, which is very important, as you need a full
immersion in the language, at least during the class.
To improve the students ' perception of foreign speech at the hearing, you can
arrange watching the various videos (movies, cartoons) - both adapted and original
(for students with a higher level of proficiency in a foreign language). However, it
is necessary to check that the students understand the scanned material. It is possible
to discuss the video, ask students questions, request them to Express their opinion
on the material raised in the topic.
Many critics of the communicative approach say that if you use this method
of teaching does not put a lot of time on learning grammar or it pays insufficient. In
fact it is not so. Grammar is studied intensively, but the submission process is
somewhat different. After the explanation by the teacher new topics, the students are
divided into several groups (number of groups determined by the teacher). After that,
the teacher gives the task to each group (same for all group members) on passed
theme. The students in the group do this task yourself, then within the group debating
the activity and explain your choice. It is not insignificant that all this happens in a
foreign language. So students not only demonstrate knowledge of the grammatical
topic but also learn to express their opinions in a foreign language. As the result each
group presents the teacher their answers. The teacher checks and explains the
mistakes in a foreign language.
Work on texts by using the framework of the communicative approach to
language teaching is also possible. For example, after studying the text we can
discuss it students will express their opinion on stated theme. And also is existed
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other variant it is to divide students into groups (size of group determined by the
teacher, recommended number of people per group of 2-3) and to members of each
group must be given different texts on the same topic. For example, the first student
gets a text about the education system in the United States, the second student about
the education system in Germany, the third — in Kazakhstan. Within the group
students should tell each other summaries of the text in a foreign language and then
make the comparison of education systems in each of these countries and orally to
present it to the rest of the students. Thereby students learn to highlight the most
important information in the text interact in the group and to present obtained
information in a foreign language. In addition, to explore “alive" language (everyday
language, including slang), you can use texts from various foreign forums in which
to communicate with native speakers. This will help students better understand the
speech of native speakers, which is often radically different from what is taught in
As election activities the teacher can give a variety of joint projects. For
example each student should prepare a Power Point presentation and tell it in a
foreign language. But precisely to tell but not read from the sheet. And finally, you
can organize conversations with a native speaker on Skype. It is one of the most
effective ways to learn a foreign language. After of course the conversation
contributes to the development of the language! Classical grammar-translation
method learning is focused on academic language learning: it gives an in-depth
understanding of grammatical structure, steady skill of writing. The communicative
method is applied, it is aimed at the successful development of the ability to oral
communication, creating the person extra motivation to the study of language, which
provides the interest of the student in the classroom, and hence their efficiency and
Based on the foregoing, the communicative competence can be defined as the
means necessary for the formation of speech situation in a social context, and the
purpose of formation of communicative competence – as a successful
communicative act. To achieve this goal requires communicative competence –
language knowledge and skills, linguistic skills, linguistic component of the learning
content. Communicative competence is the most important role of linguistic
competence, which thanks to a certain body of knowledge provides the designing,
grammatically and syntactically correct forms and understanding of the meaning of
segments of speech, constructed in accordance with the rules of a foreign language.
Howerever, the mastering of the grammar system of the language is only
based on a familiar vocabulary. The conclusion is that grammatical and lexical skills
to serve as a centre of linguistic competence upon which the various speech skills.
Today every individual and the state as a whole are interested in the practical mastery
of a foreign language, providing access to the world market, introduction to world
culture. Therefore, the priority goal is communicative approach.
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Сборник материалов ІІІ Международной конференции
Based on the foregoing, the communicative approach can be defined as the
means necessary for the formation of speech situation in a social context, and the
purpose of its formation as a communicative act. To achieve this it is necessary
language knowledge and skills, linguistic skills, linguistic-geographical component
of the learning content. In the communicative approach are the most important role
of linguistic competence which thanks to a certain body of knowledge provides the
forming grammatically and syntactically correct forms and understanding of the
meaning of segments of speech, constructed in accordance with the rules of a foreign
language. It should be noted that without knowledge of the grammatical structure of
a foreign language impossible to solve communicative tasks. But the mastering of
the grammar system of the language is only based on a familiar vocabulary. The
conclusion is that grammatical and lexical skills to serve as a centre of linguistic
competence upon which the various speech skills. Today every individual and the
state as a whole are interested in the practical mastering of a foreign language,
providing access to the world market, introduction to world culture. Therefore, the
priority goal in learning a foreign language becomes a communicative approach.
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Kognkova Irina
Enseignante, école linguistique № 25
В данной статье рассматривается вопрос об использовании ментальной
карты в процессе обучения на уроке французского языка. Автор раскрывает
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