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UDC 378.811.111 
Bulekbayeva L.A., master, senior lecturer 
Muldabekova K.T., PhD doctor, associate professor 
Almaty city, Kazakhstan
Мақалада рөлдік ойынның маңыздылығы, яғни оның құрамдас бөліктерінің 
(мақсаттары, міндеттері мен функциялары, рөлдердің мазмұны, әлеуметтік-
психологиялық және дидактикалық жағдайлар) және оның әртүрлі сыртқы және ішкі 
өзгерістермен тұтастығын қамтамасыз ететін байланыстардың (қадамдардың) 
жиынтығы қарастырылады. Рөл білім беру және сөйлеу жағдайының негізгі параметрлерін 
көрсететін маңызды құрамдас бөлігі ретінде қарастырылады.
В статье рассматривается значимость ролевой игры, то есть совокупность ее 
компонентов (целей, задач и функций, содержания ролей, социально-психологических и 
дидактических условий) и связей (шагов), обеспечивающих ее целостность с различными 
внешние и внутренние изменения.
Роль рассматривается как важный компонент учебно-
речевой ситуации, отражающий ее основные параметры.
Incorporating role-play into the classroom adds variety, a change of pace and 
opportunities for a lot of language production and also a lot of fun! It can be an 
integral part of the class and not a 'one-off' event. If the teacher believes that the 
activity will work and the necessary support is provided, it can be very successful. 
However, if the teacher isn't convinced about the validity of using role-play the 
activity "will fall flat on its face just as you expected it to" [1]. Role-play is any 
speaking activity when you either put yourself into somebody else's shoes, or when 
you stay in your own shoes but put yourself into an imaginary situation!
It is widely 
agreed that learning takes place when activities are engaging and memorable. Jeremy 
Harmer [2] advocates the use of role-play for the following reasons: 
It's fun and motivating 
Quieter students get the chance to express themselves in a more forthright way 
The world of the classroom is broadened to include the outside world - thus offering a 
much wider range of language opportunities 
In addition to these reasons, students who will at some point travel to an English-
speaking country are given a chance to rehearse their English in a safe environment. 
Real situations can be created and students can benefit from the practice. Mistakes 
can be made with no drastic consequences. Role-play is a possible at elementary 

levels providing the students have been thoroughly prepared. Try to think through the 
language the students will need and make sure this language has been presented. 
Students may need the extra support of having the language on the board. At higher 
levels the students will not need so much support with the language but they will 
need time to ‘get into’ the role. 
The role of the teacher
- students may need new language to be 'fed' in by the teacher. If rehearsal 
time is appropriate the feeding in of new language should take place at this stage. 
- The teacher watches the role play and offers comments and advice at the 
- It is sometimes appropriate to get involved and take part in the role-play 
Role-playing games are actively used in teaching English. This is a technique with 
very good learning opportunities, so it is often used not only for children, but also for 
adults. The use of role-playing games in the classroom allows you to increase the 
effectiveness of classes. Learning activities become more interesting and diverse, the 
participants actively interact with each other, which allows them to accelerate the 
development of speech skills. Knowledge of a foreign language in modern society is 
a necessary part of a people’s personal and professional life, since career assessment 
and personality assessment are interrelated. All this on the whole causes are needed 
for a large number of citizens who practically speak foreign language. In addition, a 
good knowledge of a foreign language is an extremely important requirement for all 
those who want to take part in a competition for a prestigious and highly paid job.
According to Solcova [3]
role-play and simulation increase learners’ self-confidence 
and encourage more hesitant learners to speak because it is not themselves who they 
present when conversation happens and thus they do not have to take the 
responsibility for their utterance and actions. Therefore, from the statement of 
Harmer above stimulate the researcher to conduct similar study. This research 
combining the simulation technique and role- play as teaching technique in English 
speaking skill to motivate the students that have different motivation. 
Role play is a technique that allows students to explore realistic situation by 
interacting with other people in a managed way in order to develop experience. 
According to Kusnierek [4] role-play can be defined as one of whole gamut of 
communicative techniques which develops fluency in language students, which 
promotes interaction in the classroom and which increase motivation. Not only peer 
learning encourages by it, but also sharing between teacher and students of the 
responsibility for the learning process. Moreover, role-play can be very useful dress 
rehearsal for real life, especially for people who are learning English for professional 
purpose. It fits the desire for realism, since it gives the students the chance to 
rehearse the typical activities. Another function that very important of the usage of 
this technique is it can be as facilitator for linguistic item memorization. Role- play 
provide physical and visual reinforcement that increase involvement and helps to fix 
vocabulary, structures and grammar. 

Being one of the most effective, flexible and versatile training methods, role-
playing game is designed to enhance the learning process, make it more productive, 
as well as form and further develop the motivation of learning. Role-playing games 
can be conditionally divided into social-everyday (E.A. Maslyko's term) and 
professional (or business) games [5].
The purpose of using social-everyday games is to develop students' skills and 
abilities of foreign language communication in general cultural terms, as well as the 
development of initiative, collectivism and responsibility as socially significant 
personality traits, improving the culture of behavior. The purpose of professional (or 
business) games is to form students' skills and abilities to communicate in a foreign 
language, and to develop their professional tact. Being introduced into the system of 
traditional learning, the educational game performs several didactic functions, which 
are manifested in the creation of adequate conditions for the complex formation of 
communicative competence in a foreign language and the system of communicative 
skills in students. Role-playing learning function; games is that the game contributes 
to the acquisition of knowledge, as well as the formation of foreign language skills in 
the within one or more training topics.
A student’s choice of one or another role, on the one hand, determines the 
assimilation of specific educational material in the individual work mode, and the 
other, cooperation with other students, for solving their educational and cognitive 
tasks and realizing their role-playing behavior. The educating and motivational-
stimulating functions of the role-playing game are closely interconnected and are 
manifested in the fact that the processes of joint solution of communicative and 
methodological problems are characterized by motives of self-affirmation and 
competition, the typical emergence of mutual help and mutual control, as well as the 
formation of relations of “responsible dependence” which altogether contributes to 
the manifestation and formation of students' initiative, collectivism, a sense of 
responsibility for their specific contribution to the solution of general group tasks, 
that is motivates and stimulates educational activities: it has a positive effect on the 
personality of the student, broadens the mind, stimulates creative activity.
The developmental role-playing function is manifested in the formation and 
development of such mental processes and personal qualities as attention, memory, 
creative imagination, which allows each student, as a subject of communication, to 
realize at a higher level the procedural and substantive aspects of professional 
communication, to manifest his creative individuality, improve their communication 
and organizational skills [6]. The content of the role-playing game includes the topic 
of the role-playing game, a number of problem situations on the topic, certain roles 
that students will play, socio-psychological conditions of the educational process 
(complexity of the topic, level of knowledge of language material and subject 
knowledge, degree of students'
learning and learning) and role-playing game. The 
theme of role-playing games is selected in accordance with the training topics defined 
in the program. Various forms of activities are realized in communication: 
educational and cognitive, socio-political, labor, sports, art, household. At the same 

time communicating perform certain roles: social, interdependent, intergroup and 
interpersonal. Communication is carried out on the basis of the main organizational 
-establishing relationships;
-planning and coordination of joint activities;
-condemnation or approval;
-discussion of the results of activities;
From a functional point of view, communication as an independent activity has all 
these characteristics.
The role is a functional side of the status, which is determined by the rights and 
duties, the stable position of the subject in a certain relationship system (teacher - 
student, parent - child, buyer - seller, patient - doctor). Relationships of joint activities 
develop in the process of the activity itself, the cooperation of interlocutors, and are 
characterized by the presence of common ideas and goals (classes in clubs, 
Olympiads, quizzes, excursions, propaganda team, disputes). These relationships are 
largely due to the intergroup structure, cohesion; they are mediated by the goal of the 
joint activity, its content and values. These relations are formed in the form of 
friendly competition, healthy rivalry, but they may escalate to hostile competition and 
confrontation. While learning to communicate, it is necessary to connect all possible 
forms of activity and to develop speech on the basis. Role-playing involves the 
imitation of reality in a particular situation and requires not only a higher language 
level, but also taking into account a certain psychological state of a person who is 
involved in the situation; therefore, the selection of situations is rather difficult. It 
allows you to create an artificial situation in which the student, using facial 
expressions, gestures, verbally formalizes his behavior, attitude towards something.
Role-playing at an advanced stage can be combined with a business game. 
Business games have historically developed as economic, managing, imitative games. 
They are a new type of training in which the assimilation of knowledge, the 
formation of skills and abilities, as it is superimposed on the fabric of professional 
activity represented in training in a certain model form. The foundation of learning 
based on role-playing and business games. G.А. Kitaygorodskaya notes 5 following 
principles: -gaming modeling of professional activity 
-the principle of joint activities of participants 
-the principle of dialogical communication of game partners 
-the principle of the problematic content of the process 
-the principle of two-sided playing educational activities.
Only the first principle is characteristic only for business games, the other four can be 
applied to role-playing games [7].
It is role-playing games that teach the norms of speech communication, provide 
possession of those communicative units that are necessary when participating in a 
business game, when the attention of learners is focused on the professional side of 

verbal behavior and speech activity. Change of names and the using of "legends" is 
one of the most important psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to 
the effective management of communication. Psychologically, “I” - the mask is my 
new face, I fulfill new social responsibilities for me, so I choose my behavior, I build 
relationships with all unfamiliar members of the group within the framework of those 
rules which are demanded from me in new organization or institute.
Generally, five categories of roles are distinguished:
1. inborn, that is determining the sex and age of the participant in the game;
2. attributed, that is nationality or belonging to a particular social group;
3. acquired, that is specifying the profession;
4. effective, that is suggesting a certain range of actions in the proposed situation (for 
example, a visit to a doctor); 
5. functional, that is defining functions of communication (for example, offering help, 
expressing sympathy).
The most two important categories of roles are significant while learning a foreign 
language. In particular, functional roles can be considered as the minimum 
communicative blocks that make up a role-playing game. These blocks can be 
included in different game situations, so they need to be worked out at the 
preparatory stage. And effective roles will help to choose the way to solve the task 
[8]. An essential element of role-playing games is the resolution of one or several 
problem situations. This improves the motivation of statements, makes them more 
reasoned, emotional, ensures maximum activation of students' communicative skills. 
The need for careful thinking of the situation, finding the right solution develops 
logical and critical thinking, the ability to argue and counter-argue, to persuade the 
In the process of role-playing is the opportunity to combine educational and 
upbringing work, to overcome the psychological barrier of uncertainty, to generate 
interests, to involve students in the work on the production of objects necessary for 
the game. Active learning methods contribute to easier and more durable learning of 
the material, ensure its long-term memorization. Students are willingly engaged in 
this technique, since the process of mastering the language takes place in a favorable 
psychological atmosphere that helps them to assert themselves, to believe in their 
abilities, strengths and capabilities. Role play is a technique that helps students 
improve their speech skills in the dialogical speech, as well as try their hand at acting.
Role-plays are interesting, memorable and engaging, and students retain the material 
they have learned. In their assumed role, students drop their shyness and other 
personality and cultural inhibitions, making them one of the best tools available for 
teaching a second language
Through the games teacher can make the lesson more interesting, easy to understand, 
fun and also it will help students feel free with their group mates. Students can learn 
more words and it will help them to start speaking well in English. 

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