Секциясы: Тіл білімі Ғылыми жетекшісі: Дәулет Г. М

From the history of the appearance of lullabies

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Ергешбаева муслима, 6 сынып

3.2 From the history of the appearance of lullabies

There are a lot of historical facts about the appearance of lullabies. Some ethnographers claim that the beginnings of a lullaby song appeared at the dawn of mankind, among primitive people. Others have discovered an artifact that four millennia ago the ancient Babylonians wrote the first lullaby that mothers sang to their children. It must have been read to calm the child before going to bed, but the words of this lullaby were far from soothing. On a small clay tablet that fits in the palm of your hand, the words of one of the first surviving lullabies, created about two millennia BC, are carved. The inscriptions on it are made in cuneiform - one of the first forms of writing in history – by a Babylonian scribe who used a reed stylus in the territories where Iraq is currently located. This is an ominous lullaby in which a child is frightened by a terrible household god, whom he disturbs with his crying and who will punish the baby for this. Many associate the appearance of lullabies with the period of the final transition from matriarchy to patriarchy. They originate from the time of paganism, from traditional folk beliefs and rituals, when songs for a child had the property of protective spells. It was customary for the mother to create a special, personal song for the child after birth, which will accompany and protect him all his life.
The history of the lullaby in Slavic culture is connected with oral folk art. Lullabies were passed from mouth to mouth. They looked more like a conspiracy or a talisman and anthropomorphic mythological creatures such as a Dream, a Calm, a Dream existed in them.
Based on historical facts about the history of lullabies, we can note that it is difficult to determine the time and place of the appearance of lullabies. We believe they have always existed since the appearance of man on earth, the forms of lullabies have changed from rhythmic sounds and creaking of children's lullabies to chains of interjections and rhymed stanzas along with a soothing melody.

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