Секциясы: Тіл білімі Ғылыми жетекшісі: Дәулет Г. М

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Ергешбаева муслима, 6 сынып


In the modern world, more and more often children fall asleep to the sounds of TV, computer or phone music than to their mother's voice singing a lullaby. We can regretfully say that the rich folk culture of singing lullabies is now lost. Meanwhile, the lullaby has a very important role: it helps to calm the child, to realize the surrounding reality, and is also the foundation for the formation of speech skills. Lullabies have been sung since ancient times, they are passed down from generation to generation and exist among all peoples. The lullaby reflects the centuries-old and historical experience of people. Ancient ideas about the world are embedded in folklore and influence the formation and reflection of the national mentality. "Lullabies, in whatever language they are, need to be loved and preserved, because this is an amazing gift of the past, and "the past must be well understood in order to look at today from the future," M. Gorky noted.

The relevance of our work lies in the fact that on the eve of the Decade of Childhood program, the study of children's folklore is especially important. Scientists say that the character of a little person, his physical health and mental development, and therefore the future of the nation depends on what songs the mother sang to the child, and whether she sang them at all. In the culture of each nation there are lullabies, and are there similarities and differences between the lullabies of different nations. While studying English at school, we often talk about the culture of the British people. The novelty of our research is a comparison of lullabies of the two countries, which makes it possible to better understand the beauty and expressiveness of the language being studied, to perceive the national specifics of the culture of the native-speaking people more deeply. Learning a lullaby not only enriches the knowledge of language learners, expands their horizons, but also stimulates their interest in this language.
The purpose of our work is to identify linguistic and national-cultural features of Kazakh and English lullabies. The object of research of this work are Kazakh and English lullabies. The subject is linguistic and national-cultural peculiarities of Kazakh and English lullabies.
To achieve the set goals , the following tasks are solved in the work:
To study the theory of lullabies as a folklore genre;
Find out facts from the history of lullabies of the analyzed languages;
To identify the linguistic features of Kazakh and English lullabies;
To conduct a comparative analysis of Kazakh and English lullabies in order to determine their national and cultural characteristics;
Conduct a survey among the students of our class about the awareness of lullabies;
Conduct practical work among the interviewed classmates to determine the similarities and differences of Kazakh and English lullabies;
To make a comparative table of linguistic and cultural features of Kazakh and English lullabies.
Our hypothesis suggests that, despite the different languages, the lullabies of these peoples have much in common in linguistic and national-cultural aspects. To achieve the objectives, various methods were used:
problem-search method
comparative analytical method
graphical method
sociological survey
generalization and systematization.

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