Секциясы: Тіл білімі Ғылыми жетекшісі: Дәулет Г. М

Chapter I. Every country has its customs

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Ергешбаева муслима, 6 сынып

Chapter I. Every country has its customs

1.1. The role of traditions and customs in people’s life

Folk traditions and customs act as a regulation of the behavior and activities of adults and children in the family and society, form the foundations of moral qualities, contribute to the revival of new spiritual values, enrich the cultural heritage of the people.
The need for scientific study of folk traditions and customs is due to their increasing role in the formation of moral qualities of a person, on which the successful implementation of education reform largely depends. Based on the above, the study of folk traditions and customs is important for understanding the ways of integral formation of moral qualities of a person.
Traditions are historically stable and the most generalized norms and principles of people's social relations, passed down from generation to generation and protected by the power of public opinion. Traditions are as ancient as humanity itself. They are historical in nature, because they arose and were formed in the process of labor and social activity of people, taking shape not at the will of individuals and groups, but had an objective basis.
Traditions emerged as a natural phenomenon of social development and played a huge role in organizing the efforts of the clan and tribe in the fight against the forces of nature, in the formation of the best features of the human personality. Violation of traditions in ancient times was considered unacceptable, and was punishable by imminent punishment. Traditions are social and cultural heritage passed down from generation to generation and reproduced in certain societies and social groups for a long time.
In our opinion, the function of traditions is the inheritance of the social accumulated experience of mankind in the field of education and personality formation in different periods of an individual's life. Traditions cannot be only norms and principles of social relations, methods of social activity, heritage of the past or norms of human behavior. They consolidate the results of both past and modern public practice. They express the nature of social relations inherent in the community of people, nations, ethnic and social groups, collectives, etc.
Customs are also generally accepted rules and norms historically formed in the process of evolution that regulate the behavior of people in a certain area of public life. These are the rules of social behavior that are reproduced in a certain society or social group, rooted in the habits, everyday life and consciousness of their members. Custom plays an important role in education, contributing to the introduction of a person to spiritual culture, forms an inherited stereotypical way of behavior, introduces patterns of behavior.
Practice shows that for centuries traditions and customs have been and remain one of the effective means of introducing new generations to the life of society, the formation of a certain type of personality. The peculiarity of their educational impact is that they are not limited to any one age period of a person's life. Every person, living in a society, is always in the sphere of its customs and traditions. The fulfillment of their requirements and prescriptions has a significant and permanent impact on the formation of a person's attitude, culture of feeling and behavior, on her relationship to the world around her.
Traditions and customs as pedagogical creativity of the people represent various forms and methods of pedagogical influence on feelings, will, consciousness and behavior of a person. Being a social phenomenon, traditions also act in the form of principles, norms and rules governing the relationship of people in society and personal life, they are approved and supported by public opinion.
Comprehensive study and public assessment of the common foundations of national traditions and customs of the people, as well as other nations of the world, is the most important task of modern pedagogical science. It should be noted that many of its issues, which have not received important coverage in historical and pedagogical science, are in urgent need of in-depth, comprehensive creative development of moral, labor, artistic and aesthetic education of a person in different periods of personality formation.

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