Шетел тілдері кафедрасы

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прак грамматика

Берілетін тапсырма: to do exercises:
Пайдаланатын әдебиеттер:

  1. Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка. М., 1996

  2. Бонк. Учебник английского языка.

  3. АВС. Матюшкина-Герке. М., 1998

  4. Grammar Spectrum. Mark Hurrison. London, 1994

  5. R.Murphy. Essential Grammar in Use (elementary,). Cambridge Univ., 1985

  6. R.Murphy. English Grammar in Use (intermediate). Cambridge Univ., 1985.

Кафедра меңгерушісі:

Шетел тілдері кафедрасы
Практикалық сабақ жоспары
Топ: __________
Пән: Практикалық грамматика
Күні: _________________
Оқытушы: Дүйсенбекова М.Л

Сабақтың тақырыбы: The Common and Possessive Cases of Nouns.
Сабақтың мақсаты: the main aim of the lesson is to develop speaking, writing skills; to study grammar structures, to use nouns in the sentences correctly, especially the common case and the possessive case of nouns.
Сабақтың міндеті:

  • to explain students about using grammar units and formal-content structures;

  • to develop knowledge skills to work out grammar information alone.

Сабақтың мазмұны:
Nouns denoting living beings and some others have the category of case, represented by two cases: the common case and the possessive case.
The common case has a zero-inflexion.
The possessive case is the survival of the Old English genitive case but its meaning and function is different in Modern English. The possessive case is realized in the so-called possessive construction (the possessive). The possessive is a combination of two components tied up by the form-element (suffix) 's. The first component can be represented by a noun or a noun word-group with the junction 's. The second component is a noun: Mary's room, half a mile's distance.
The suffix 's is pronounced in the same way as the inflexion -(e)s of the plural.
If the first component is used in the plural -(e)s, we observe the fusion of 's-element with the plural suffix -(e)s (with a simple apostrophe ' in writing): students' books, a few hours' sleep.
With other forms of the plural the suffix 's is pronounced and spelled as usual: men's clothes, children's games.
With proper names ending in [s] or [z] the possessive element is denoted by 's in writing and is pronounced as [iz] Marx's theory, Burns's poems, St. James's Park.
Compounds are treated as one word, with 's after the second stem: my mother-in-law's house.
When the first component is expressed by a group of nouns connected by the conjunction and, the possessive suffix 's is placed at the end of the noun word-group: John and Peter's room, but: John's and Peter's rooms.
The possessive construction is used in two cases:
(1) To express possession; in this case the first component is normally represented by animate objects: Pete's book, Mother's health, the woman's life.
The first component can also be expressed by such nouns as the names of countries and towns or the words sun, moon,, ship, boat: Britain's interests, the city's parks, the sun's fire, the ship's course.
There is a tendency to use some other nouns denoting inanimate objects as the first component, of the possessive. Here belong nouns denoting: (a) dwelling places and environment: the apartment’s five rooms, the garden's blossom, the sky's blue, the river's bank; (b) certain social units and organizations: the nation's future, the medical faculty's chair, the research group's records; (c) social, political and economic phenomena: Big Business' failures, the socialist economy's advance, the campaign's success; (d) events in the field of art and sports: his book's success, the play's style, the film's merits, the game's popularity, hockey's fame; (e) vehicles and their details: the rocket's flight, the liner's passengers, the sound of a car's brakes, the speedometer's needle.
(2) To denote the qualitative characteristics of a thing; in this case the function of the first component is like that of an adjective: a children's room (детская комната), a Bachelor's degree (степень бакалавра).
The possessive of this type is often used to express time and space relations. The first component is represented by a noun or a noun group expressing duration or distance: within a week's time, after a moment's silence, in five minutes' walk, at a five miles' distance.
Here also belong nouns denoting measures of weight and cost.
Macy's sells a million dollars' worth of goods every day.
Its docks load and unload a few thousand tons' cargoes every day.

In certain cases a noun in the possessive is not followed by the second component — this is the so-called absolute posses­sive.

The absolute possessive is used:
(1) When the second component is dropped to avoid unne­cessary repetition.
"Whose umbrella is it?" "It's Ann's." I parked my car next to John's. We heard a howl, like а wolf's.
(2) When this is introduced by the preposition of to denote "one of many" (the so-called partitive possessive).
He is an old friend of my father's. (one of my father's old friends)
(3) In constructions with an of-phrase to express emotional characteristics (such as disapproval, irony, neglect, etc.).
How do you like that silly joke of Jane's? That's another big idea of your uncle's.
When the word in the possessive denotes a shop, a plant, etc. the 's element loses the meaning of possession and is actually used as a word-building suffix: at a chemist's, (a hairdresser's, etc.); a strike at Ford's; I've bought it at Macy's.
Proper nouns with the possessive element 's are used to de­note the place of residence: a dinner party at Brown's/the Browns'.

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