Современные тенденции развития иноязычного образования в высшей школе

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  1. Методические указания к типовым программам по иностранным языкам для неязыковых специальностей. - М.: МГЛУ, 2007. – 45 c.

  2. Гез Н.И. Формирование коммуникативной компетенции как объект зарубежных методических исследований. // Иностранные языки в школе. – 1995. - №2. - С. 17-24.

  3. 3. Поляков О.Г. К вопросу о коммуникативном языковом тестировании. // Лингвистика на рубеже XX –XXI веков: Итоги и перспективы. Тезисы международной конференции. - М.: МГУ, 2008.

New aspects for teaching external policy issues to undergraduate students:
an academic approach

Maksut K.M.
Eurasian National University after L.N. Gumilyov (Kazakhstan)

Бұл мақалада студенттерді теориялық тұрғыдан оқытудағы академиялық әдістемені қолданудың маңыздылығы баяндалады. Бакалавр-студенттер көбінесе теорияны меңгерудің академиялық әдістемесін оқытпайтын мектеп табалдырығынан тура жоғарғы оқу орындарына (ЖОО) түсуіне байланысты, олардың кейбірі университеттің алғашқы семестрлерінде оқытылатын елдің сыртқы саясатының теориясына тиісті көңіл бөлмейді. Мақалада соңғы жылдардағы студенттерді даярлау деңгейінің өзгерту мәселесі, сонымен қатар кәсіби өмірдегі теорияның маңыздылығын бакалавр-студенттерге жеткізу үшін оқытушылардың дәріске дайындық мәселелерін реттеудің бағыттары жарық көрген.
В данной статье рассматривается важность использования академического подхода для обучения студентов теории. В виду того, что студенты – бакалавры часто поступают в вузы прямо из школ, где они не обучались использованию академического подхода изучения теории, некоторые из них не проявляют должного интереса к теории внешней политик стран, которая преподается в первых семестрах в университете. В статье освящен вопрос изменения уровня подготовки студентов в последние годы, и как преподаватели должны регулировать вопросы подготовки к занятиям, для того чтобы показать студентам – бакалаврам важность теорий в их профессиональной жизни.
The evolving global and hemispheric events have brought new challenges and new opportunities to the dynamic process of human, social and economic development in every part of the world.
In charting its way forward, the World Community has placed people at the centre of its agenda. The Community has also resolved to strengthen its institutions so that they are well equipped to function effectively in the increasingly competitive global economy. Good governance and democracy will remain the hallmarks of our political, social and economic development. These are some of the elements of the vision of Kazakhstani government as our community seeks to participate fully in the hemisphere and in the wider international community.
We have to show the students that the international community is sharing this vision with us, a vision that places priority on the human potential, on many people – on all our people. This is in keeping with the focus of providing external policy of our country. In this case the education for international relations students is on trial according to constantly changes occurred in external policy of any country.
Education itself nowadays is gradually changing. Google has changed the way we all study. Just a few years ago, the only option to find articles or any other publication was through good libraries and brochures. Information used to take too long to get to other places, especially to other countries. Nowadays, distance is no longer a problem. Books can get anywhere in the world within a couple of days and articles can be published and seen simultaneously by anyone everywhere in the world. Good researches can be done from home at such a rapid speed.
In order to teach the young generation the new aspects of any subject, we have to change the approaches by which we are going to provide information.
We have to analyse how technology has changed education, the new kind of demands from the students and the necessity of teachers to adjust to new kinds of pedagogies and metolologies in order to make classes more attractive to the new generations. The focus will be the necessity of teaching well theories to International Relations BA students. After explaining why it is so important to teach theories, we will go on to some suggestions of approaches for the new teaching, such as the use of comparative technology.

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