Специфика терминологического поля в области нефти и газа

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In the first chapter of the dissertation “Formation of terms of oil-and-gas branch in English and Kazakh languages and their structural organization” represents a statement of theoretical base of research and generalization of various approaches in understanding of concept of terms of oil-and-gas branch in compared languages. Comparative the analysis of terms is carried out at different language levels; in the sum methods of the comparative analysis at considered levels allow to put and solve many theoretical problems of terminology, and also applied problems of selection and unification of terms. For two system of terminology considered English and Kazakh languages presence of the general lexical sets, logic, structural and semantic properties of terms is characteristic. The uniform principle of formation system of terminology occurs due to presence: international terms in the specified languages. In research are revealed терминосистемы: “Oil extracting”, “petrochemistry”, “petroleum-refining industry”, “extraction of gas”, “designing”.

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