My college
After finishing secondary school young people can continue their education at different kinds of technical schools or colleges. Professional training makes it easier to get a higher education.
The classrooms in our college are comfortable and well-designed. They are equipped with computers and multimedia projection units. There are laboratories for studying physics, chemistry and biology. In our college there are 2 computer classrooms where students learn to use the Internet to create their first computer programs and projects in different subjects. On the second floor there is a library with a reading room. There is also a large Assembly hall for concerts and performances. One of the most popular places among the students is a canteen. In our college there are good sports facilities: a large gym, a stadium.
Today the college provides training in such specialties and professions as a welder, a car mechanic, a crane operator. Teaching practice takes place in the workshops. There are all kinds of tools and machines in the workshops.
We are hardworking. They always take part in different educational programs, quizzes and competitions and therefore achieve good results. Many of them get a scholarship. Experienced teachers help to create a friendly atmosphere for learning. They prepare students for entering the best universities of our country. Studying at the college is a hard work but a real pleasure.
IV. Закрепление и применение нового материала.
Первичная проверка понимания темы.
(Студенты отвечают на вопросы преподавателя).
1)Teacher: Answer my questions:
1. Where do you study?
2. How old is our college?
3. When was it founded?
4. Is your college old or modern?
5. How many professions are there in the college? What are they?
6. What profession do you study at?
7. Where does teaching practice take place?
8. What are you going to be?
9. Do you like to study at our college?
Find the Russian equivalent from the column B to the English words from the column A:
1) to use a) цель
2) to find b) стараться изо всех сил
3) to get c) мастерская
4) a device d) ремонтировать
5) to become e) разный, различный
6) equipment f) использовать, пользоваться
7) difficult g) проходить практику
8) aim h) находить
9) to have practical training i) прибор, устройство
10) a workshop j) сложный
11) different k) оборудование
12) to repair l) становиться
13) to do one’s best m) получать
3) Найдите в тексте предложения и выпишите их.
1. Профессиональная подготовка облегчает получение высшего образования.
2. В нашем колледже есть 2 компьютерных класса, где студенты учатся использовать Интернет для создания своих первых компьютерных программ и проектов по различным предметам.
3. Также имеется большой актовый зал для проведения концертов и представлений.
4. Практика проходит в мастерских. В мастерских есть все виды инструментов и станков.
4) Дополните предложения
1) On the second floor there is……………..
2) The classrooms in our college are……….
3) In our college there are…………………
Тренировка грамматических навыков.
1.Teacher: Find sentences with there is / are in the text.
2. В английском языке повествовательные предложения имеют твердый порядок слов, т.е. каждый член предложения имеет свое определенное место.
Study I Transport college at the.
Has college My floors three.
Books helps The librarian to find they students need.
Has Our college classrooms many and workshops.
We a profession study of welder.
Study don`t a profession We of a crane operator.
a profession I of a welder like best of all.
2. Закрепление новых знаний.
Работа в малых группах. (Выводы по теме).
Teacher: So,tell me what rooms there are in our college? Can you tell me about your сollege
(Студенты составляют на листках опорную схему).
Teacher: Let's check up your creative task.
(Представитель мини-группы представляют свои ответы).
V. Подведение итогов.
Teacher: Well, our college is wonderful! I hope you know all about our college.
Thank you for being active at the lesson. Your marks for the lesson are the following…
VI. Рефлексия
1. Do you like our lesson?
2. Was it difficult to understand?
3. What are your impressions?
4. Was the information at the lesson useful for you?
VII. Домашнее задание
Teacher: And now it’s time to write down your homework! You must learn new words by heart and tell about our college.
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