Төрехан Айдана маш-911 Action Research in Education

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  1. Balnaves, M., & Caputi, P.(2001) Introduction to quantitative research methods. California: Sage Thousand Oaks.

  2. Caldwell, B. J., & Spinks, J. M. (1988). The self-managing school. Lewes: Falmer Press.

  3. Clarke, A. (1999). Evaluation research: An introduction to principles, methods and practice.London: Sage.

  4. Coghlan, D., & Brannik, T. (2005) Doing Action Research in your Organisation,London: Sage Publicaions.

  5. Kemmis, S. (1988). Action research in retrospect and prospect. In S. Kemmis, & R. McTaggart (Eds.), Action Research Reader (pp. 2739). Geelong, Australia: Deakin University Press.

  6. Lewin, K.(1946). Action research and minority problems. Journal of Social Issues, 2

  7. Parsons, D., & Kimberlee, S. (2002) Teacher as Reflective Practitioner and Action Researcher. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.

  8. Sagor.R. (1992) How to Conduct Collaborative Action Research, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development,

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