Төрехан Айдана маш-911 Action Research in Education

Advantages and disadvantages of Action Research

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2.2 Advantages and disadvantages of Action Research

Action research, as a paradigm, was mainly used for the improvement of the teaching profession, which is the main reason for pros and cons of action research examples being centered on education. Action research pros use action analysis as a basic method for improving the efficiency of service delivery in a sector in meeting needs and demands. Action research can be carried out in a teaching organization to allow teachers to recognize their weaknesses and improve on them in order to increase student experience. It will also aid in improving the effectiveness of teaching as a measure of making teachers efficiency in imparting knowledge and development on the students. Action research also aids in the building of a professional culture in the profession of the practitioners. This is possible owing to the better understanding of the practices in the profession that will be effective in meeting the needs and inculcated by practitioners for the development of the culture.

Action study also has the benefit of the the problem-solving skills of the professional within and without their service centers. For teachers, this is possible through an interactive process of the augmented process of the teachers to be analytical in the course of taking part in research. Action research aids teachers to be more reflective of the situation they are faced in and the ability of meeting the requirements of the students. Another prerequisite for action research is critical analysis of own teaching styles and methods. The consequence of incorporation of critical evaluation of teaching styles, analysis, and reflection results in the ability of the teachers to solve problems.

Action research has the ability of sharpening reasoning abilities of the practitioner and aids them in the development of measures of self-monitoring to augment performance effectiveness. Through action research, teachers become more aware of their teaching practices, the difference between practice and beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and learning of their pupils. This allows them to tailor their teaching in a well-reasoned and with high skill to meet the learning requirements of their pupils. Action research also aids in the ability of teachers to focus on student explanation and conceptions. This is brought about by the fact that action research involves collecting data on student’s understanding and thinking, making teachers understand the students better

Action research aids in improvement of confidence among practitioners in the course of the performance of their duties. As an example, action research augments a teacher’s confidence through learning various ways they are able to change lives and the importance of their jobs and it improves their confidence in their teaching ability. This improved confidence by the teachers gives them professional self-assurance, which is a main factor in the ability of continuous development of the teaching profession. The main way this is developed by action research is having better knowledge of education issues, formulating significant matters on the issues, and reviews them for the development of education practices (Balnaves & Caputi).

The main disadvantage of action research is that the practitioner evaluates himself or herself. There is a risk in the benefits of action research in this case on the student selection criteria, objectivity in selecting the participants by the practitioner. There may raise a problem in action research if there exists coercion or voluntary selection of the participants is also a problem, honesty in the answers given by the participants is also in doubt, this is due to the presence of fear of repercussions that may arise after the research. This reduces the ability of action research to meet the required needs as there may not be presented the true picture of the situation because of personal evaluation by the teacher (Coghlan,  & Brannik).

The other disadvantage of action research is the validity in writing and presentation of the final report by the practitioner. A practitioner may not give a correct report owing to matters that may not be good for the profession including a conclusion that may be critical of their methods of practice. The practitioner may not be willing to write this in the final report; hence, the validity of the report will be in doubt. The other matter is the objectivity in writing of report, as the practitioner may not be able to separate personal issues, and write the report in an objective manner as these touches on his /her profession. This will also affect the ability to deliver a report that is objective, efficient, and of high quality. The last matter for this assertion is if the practitioner will be willing to take corrective action on findings of the report. A recommendation for a change in teaching style may not augur well with the educator because many people love the status quo and there is a very strong resistance to change in all workplaces (Parsons & Kimberlee).

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