№ 2(135)/2021
Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университетінің ХАБАРШЫСЫ.
Филология сериясы
ISSN 2616-678Х еISSN 2663-1288
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19. Umiruliev К., Ibatov А., Zhabanov E. Til tarikhy - tildin uz koynauynda [The history of the language-in
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20. Gaidarov A.T. Tıýrkskaıa etımologııa: problemy ı zadachı [Türkic etymology: problems and tasks],
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21. Trubachev O. N. Rekonstrýktsııa slov ı ıh znachenıı [Reconstruction of words and their meanings],
Voprosy ıazykoznanııa [Questions of linguistics], 3, 3-14 (1980).
22. Suleimenov O. Tıýrkı v doıstorıı [Türks in prehistory], (Atamura, Almaty, 2002) [in Russian].
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25.Slavsky F. Iz opyta raboty nad etımologıcheskım slovarem polskogo ıazyka [From the experience
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26. Tatarintsev B.I. O rekonstrýktsıı motıvırýıýego semantıcheskogo prıznaka v protsesse etımologızatsıı
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[Theory and practice of etymological research], 35-42 (1985).
27. Najip E.N. Tıýrkoıazychnyı pamıatnık HIV veke, «Gýlıstan» Seıfa Saraı ı ego ıazyk [Türkic-speaking
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28. Drevnetıýrkskıı slovar [Ancient Türkic dictionary], (Nauka, Lenıngrad, 1969).
29. Kazakh tilinin tusindirme sozdigi 5-t, (O-Ө) [Explonatory dictionary of the Kazak language 5-b], (Gylym,
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30. Trubachev O. N. Rekonstrýktsııa slov ı ıh znachenıı [Reconstruction of words and their meanings],
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31. Nurmagambetov Ә. Bes zhүz bes soz [Five zhuz and five words] (Rauan, Almaty,1994) [in Kazakh].
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