The object of the research work is banking and financial terms of the Uzbek
language, which are used in legislative documents on the branch of Bank-Finance,
in manuals, dictionaries, in practice of banking.
The scientific novelty of the research is as follows:
semantic properties (term-metaphors; processes of terminologization,
determinologization, transterminologization), thematic groups of banking and
financial terms of the Uzbek language are defined and analyzed;
the paradigmatic relations (synonymy, antonymy, Hyper-hyponymy,
polysemy homonymy, paronymy) between banking and financial terms of the
Uzbek language are studied. the analysis of these phenomena is based on
a structural analysis of the banking and financial terms of the Uzbek language
(one-component, two-component, three-component, four-component, or more) is
carried out;
it is correlated from the point of view of the anthropocentric paradigm,
describes the participation of the human factor in the development and use of
banking and financial terminology.
Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президентнинг “Ўзбек тилининг давлат тили сифатидаги нуфузи ва мавқеини
тубдан ошириш чора-тадбирлари тўғрисида”ги Фармони //