В. А. Шляхова, О. Н. Герасина, Ю. А. Герасина английский язык для экономистов english for economists

Задание 1.  Переведите абзацы 2, 3, 4, 5. Задание 2

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Шляхова В.А. Английский язык для экономистов

Задание 1. 
Переведите абзацы 2, 3, 4, 5.
Задание 2. 
Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
1. What is the advantage of sole proprietorship?
2. What are the main disadvantages of sole proprietorship?
To be read after Unit V
To be read after Unit V
Прочтите текст и выполните последующее задание.
The Partnership
More capital is available when persons join together in a 
partnership, though normally not more than twenty may do so. 
Each partner provides a part of the capital and shares the profits 
on an agreed basis. Thus partnerships remain relatively small, 
predominating in insurance and among professional people (doctors, 
surveyors, consulting engineers and lawyers), where the capital is 
not so much in the form of money as in experience and skill, each 
partner probably is specializing in a particular branch.
The risk in unlimited liability is increased because all partners 
are liable for the firm’s debts, irrespective of the amount of capital 
which each has invested.
Finally, at any time one partner may give notice to end 
the partnership, and it is automatically dissolved upon the 
death or bankruptcy of a partner. To preserve the business, 
surviving partners may be put to great expense and trouble in 

buying the partner’s share or finding a purchaser acceptable 
to everyone.
Найдите в тексте и переведите предложения, в ко-
торых речь идет о том:
а) в каких областях деятельности может быть такой 
вид организации бизнеса;
б) каковы недостатки этого вида деятельности.
To be read after Unit VI
To be read after Unit VI

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