В. А. Шляхова, О. Н. Герасина, Ю. А. Герасина английский язык для экономистов english for economists

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Шляхова В.А. Английский язык для экономистов

To be read after Unit VI
To be read after Unit VI
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The Private Company and the Public Company
In Great Britain joint-stock companies are of two main kinds, 
private and public.
1. The private company
A private company is simply a company that is not a public 
company and the formalities involved in its formation are few and 
conferring limited liability, it allows the business to be 
privately owned and managed. It is thus particularly suitable for 
either a medium-sized commercial or industrial organization not 

requiring finance from the public, or for a speculative venture 
where a small group of people wishes to try out an idea and is 
prepared to back it financially to a definite limit before floating 
a public company. Although private companies are considerably 
more numerous than public companies, their average capital is 
much smaller.
2. The public company
When a large amount of capital is required, the first step is 
usually to form a public company. This must have at least two 
shareholders, an authorized minimum capital of 50,000 (a quar-
ter of which is paid up) and carry the designation ‘public limited 
company’ – abbreviated to Plc – after its name. But it is the second 
step, which is really important – getting its shares ‘quoted’ on the 
Stock Exchange or the Alternative Investment Market (AIM]. This 
entails an exhaustive examination of the company’s affairs, which 
have to be advertised very fully in at least two leading London 
Найдите в тексте ответ на вопрос: какова разница 
между частным совместным предприятием и государствен-
ным предприятием?

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