Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

Read the text and the Notes on Lexicology and Style and talk on the following points (A. Grammar, B.Word usage, C. Style)

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс

1. Read the text and the Notes on Lexicology and Style and talk on the following points (A. Grammar, B.Word usage, C. Style):

A. 1. Why does the author use or drop the definite article before the word bed in the sentences: "We were still in bed." "You'd better go back to bed," "I sat at the foot of the bed."
2. Why is the Infinitive used with or without the particle to in the sentences: "Do you want me to read to you?" "I heard him say a hundred and two."
3. In the sentence "It's nothing to worry about" ft is a personal pronoun. What noun does it stand for? (Note: The English for «Нечего беспокоиться.» would be "There is nothing to worry about.")
4. Tick off the sentences with the Infinitive used as an attribute.
5. Tick off all the complex sentences with clauses joined without the conjunction that, е.g. "I know (that) he is ill."
B. 1. What did the father mean when he said "You'd better go back to bed"? (Add some words to show the implication.)
2. Paraphrase the sentences: "I'd rather stay awake" and "just take it easy."
3. What is the difference between the boy's words "...if it bothers you" and "...if it's going to bother you." (Translate the sentences with these phrases into Russian.)
4. How and why did the boy paraphrase his question "about what time... I'm going to die?"
5. The boy lay with his eyes fixed at the foot of the bed. What synonyms and why did the author use to describe the situation? (See Vocabulary Notes in Unit One.)
C. 1. Comment on the choice of words in Hemingway's story from the point of view of their stylistic colouring. What style prevails, formal or informal?
2. What can you say about the dialogues in the story and their stylistic peculiarities?
3. Comment on the syntax of the story and the stylistic effect achieved by it.
4. What is the general atmosphere of the story? Is the tension gradually increased? How is the effect achieved? What is the point of the highest tension (climax) ?

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