Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

unworthy adj недостойный 3. masterpiece

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс

    Бұл бет үшін навигация:
  • A lump
unworthy adj недостойный
3. masterpiece n шедевр
piece n 1. кусок, ps a piece of chalk (wood, paper, etc.)
Syn. lump, slice. A slice is a thin, flat piece cut off from anything, as a slice of bread (cheese, lemon, ham, etc.). A lump is a small specially shaped or shapeless piece, as a lump of sugar (butter, etc.).
to pieces на куски, е.g. The cup fell and was broken to pieces.
2. отдельный предмет, часть, е.g. a piece of furniture; a, piece of poetry (стихотворение); a piece of painting (картина); a piece of advice (совет); apiece of news (новость);
3. монета, е.g. a two-shilling piece, a gold (silver) piece
Syn. coin (used more often than piece)
4. human adj человеческий, свойственный человеку, е.g. a human nature, the human body, human affairs, a human being (человек); hu'mane adj гуманный, человечный
Ant. cruel
inhuman adj бесчеловечный, as inhuman treatment
humanity n (uncountable) 1. человечество, as a crime against humanity
Syn. man'kind n (uncounfable). But 'mankind мужчины, мужской пол
2. гуманность, человечность, as to treat people with humanity

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