Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

I. Study Text A and a) spell and transcribe English equivalents of the following

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс

I. Study Text A and a) spell and transcribe English equivalents of the following:

(первый) завтрак, каша, корнфлекс, бекон, тост, мармелад, сок, достаточный, пудинг, компот; основательная (еда), ростбиф, омлет, сосиски, сухое печенье.

b) give the four forms of the following verbs:

eat, fry, roast, accompany, fill, bring.

c) explain the meaning of the following phrases:

a full meal, plain food, a sociable time, a housekeeping budget, to go under various names, social standing.

II. Try your hand at teaching:

A. Preparation. Write 15 questions about Text A. See to it that a word or phrase from Ex. I is used either in each of your questions or in answers to them.
B. Work in Class. Ask your questions in class and correct the students' mistakes (see "Classroom English", Sections I, II, III, VIII, IX).37

III. Study Texts В and С and

a) explain the meaning of:

delicious (about food), layer-cake, oven, napkin, a big eater, done to a turn, seconds.

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