Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

II. Fill in appropriate words (consult the list of synonyms on pp. 291— 292)

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс

II. Fill in appropriate words (consult the list of synonyms on pp. 291— 292):.

I. I'd be delighted to go on a sea .... but my wife has nev­er been a good sailor, so we can't join you. 2. Last week we made a wonderful ... to the mountains. It took us four hours
??? стр 294 задания 3-6 пропущены? во всех книгах???
Nina: And where did you go ... ashore?
Alex: Oh, ... some spot you are not likely to find ... any map. Well, when we found ourselves ... the bank we immedi­ately started ... the place where our expediton was working.
Nina: Did you go ... car?
Alex: Oh, no! No car could have driven ... those paths. We travelled partly... foot, and ... some places went... small rivers and streams ... rowing-boats. We were ... spots where no man's foot had stepped ... us.
Nina: How exciting! So you enjoyed ... the journey, didn't you?
Alex: Every minute ... it, though it was not an easy one.
Nina: Did you return ... air?
Alex: No,... train. The fact is, I had hardly enough mon­ey ... the railway fare, not to say anything ... the plane.

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