Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

Write a short paragraph about your visit to a former schoolmate

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс

4. Write a short paragraph about your visit to a former schoolmate.

5. Write a paragraph supporting or arguing Jane's and Bob's idea about teaching. (See the Dialogue.)


1. a) Listen to the additional text "What's Your Line?" on the topic "Choosing a Carrer", mark stresses and tunes, practise reading the text.

b) listen to the dialogue and learn it by heart.

2. Respond as in the models. Check your replies.

3. Write a spelling-translation test, check it with the key.

4. Write the dictation "Five Hundred Years of English Language Teaching", check your spelling with a dictionary.

5. Translate the sentences into English, check your translation with the key.

6. a) Listen to the text and find English equivalents to the given words and word combinations.

b) Check the words and word combinations.

c) Listen to the text again and do the tasks after it.


la. It would have been natural if the boy had gone to sleep.
It would have been natural if you had punished the child for his behaviour yesterday.
It wouldn't have been so cold in the morning if the wind had stopped blowing.
It would have been strange if he hadn't called on me when he was here last summer.
It would have been quite dark in the forest if we hadn't made a good fire.
1b. The father wouldn't have called the doctor if the boy had been quite well.
Grant would have accepted Mario's invitation if he hadn't made up his plans for the summer.
Anne would have taken her spring exams if she hadn't fallen ill.
We shouldn't have made friends with them if we hadn't stayed in the same camp.
We should have finished our work yesterday if you had helped us.
1c. The boy would have behaved in a different way if he were selfish.
They wouldn't have quarrelled if they both were less nervous.
You would have improved your spelling long ago if you were more diligent.
We should have invited him to our party if we knew him better.
She wouldn't have forgiven him if she didn't love him so much.
2. He seemed to know all about influenza.
The children seem to like each other very much. You don't seem to understand me.
She seemed to know grammar much better than we thought.
They did't seem to have met before.
3. I can't keep from thinking.
Can't you keep from talking all the time? Try and keep from gossiping about other people. She couldn't keep from scolding the child, though she knew she shouldn't do it.
We can't keep from laughing when we look at him.

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