Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс (7-е издание, 2008)

F.: Well, here we are at last! When I get into the boat-train,71 I feel that holidays have already begun. Have you got the tickets, Jan?
J.: Yes, here they are. I booked seats for you and me; trains are usually crowded at this time. We have numbers A 26 and A 30; two corner-seats in a non-smoker, one seat facing the engine, one back to the engine. Is that all right?
F.: That's very good, Jan. I don't like going a long jour­ney in a smoker. May I sit facing the engine?
J.: Of course! You can take whichever seat you like. As a matter of fact, I really prefer sitting with my back to the en­gine. Here's our carriage, A, and here's our compartment. You can get into the train now.
F.: Lucy, won't you come into the carriage with me? You will be wanner inside.
L: Thanks, I will.
J.: I'll go and see that our luggage has been put into the guard's van, and I'll book two seats in the restaurant car for lunch. I'll get some newspapers at the bookstall and some chocholate on my way back. (He goes away.)
L.: Jan is a good fellow for getting things done, isn't he?
F.: He is. I don't know anyone better. I'm very glad he is coming with me. I know that I shall have a very comfortable journey. Jan will see to everything — find the seats on the train, see that my luggage is all right, and get it through the customs. I shan't have to do anything at all except sit back and enjoy the journey.
(from "Essential English for Foreign Students" by С. Е. Eckersley, Book 2. Lnd., 1977)

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