Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс (7-е издание, 2008)

XIV. Act out the scene:

"Where are you for?" the train conductor asked an old lady.
"You're very impertinent," snapped the old lady. "What business is it of yours where I am going? But if you must know, I am bound for Boston."
The conductor obligingly picked up her three bags, found her a seat in the Boston train and put the bags on the rack. As he left the carriage, the old lady leaned out of the window and cackled at him. "I guess I fooled you, you im­pertinent young man. I'm really going to Buffalo."

XV. Go over the text of Unit 8 again to discuss the following in class. Let someone agree or disagree and express their own opinion (see the Prompts suggested):

1. What kind of man is described in the character of Le Ros? Do you consider the character true to life or is it exag­gerated? Which method of characterization does the author use, direct or indirect? (Prove your point.) 2. Is the story just an amusing anecdote or does it contain elements of social satire? (Prove your point) 3. Which lines and passages bear touches of humour? What type of humour prevails in the story? Compare the story with "How We Kept Mother's Day." Which of the two do you consider more amusing and why? Which is more true to life? Which raises more important problems? 4. What can you say about the language of the story? (Touch on: a) selection of words, b) syntax.)
Prompts: true enough; absolutely/exactly/quite; I couldn't agree more; yes, but surely you don't think; yes, but on the other hand; as I see it, in my view (opinion); personally I be­lieve (I feel); I'd just like to say, the way I see it; if you ask me: it's like this; oh, surely not, Vd rather not say anything about.
1. Listen to the text "Seeing People Оff", mark the stresses and tunes. Repeat it following the model.
2. Respond to the given questions according to the model.
3. Extend the statements. Express your disbelief, surprise or doubt in response to the given sentences. Follow the models.
4. Write a spelling-translation test: a) translate the phrases into English; b) check them with the key.
5. Listen to the text "Climbing" or some other text on the topic "Seeing People off" and write it as a reproduction.
6. Listen to the poem "Adieu, adieul.." by G. G. Byron. Mark the stresses and tunes, repeat it following the model and learn it by heart.

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