What is the date today?- бүгін қандай күн

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Classroom language (teacher)

  1. Good morning!

  2. Good afternoon!

  3. How are you doing today?

  4. What is the date today?- Бүгін қандай күн?

  5. Who is absent?- Сабақта кім жоқ?

  6. Who is on duty today? –Бүгін кім кезекші? Кто сегодня дежурный?

  7. (Why aren’t you sitting on your own seats) Take your own seats, please.


  1. Let’s start the lesson.

  2. What was your homework?

  3. Did you do the homework?

  4. Let’s revise the last theme/ I’m going to check your knowledge in form of a dictation/test/ oral questionnaire. Please find the right solution of this problem. (You have copied the homework)

  5. Why didn’t you do the homework?

  6. Was the homework difficult?

  7. There are some mistakes in your homework.

  8. Correct your mistakes. This is the right solution of the problem. Is it clear? Do you have any questions?

  9. Who can answer this question?

  10. Yes, Ardak,(you) please!

  11. Come to the blackboard. Who can help Ardak?

  12. No, that’s incorrect. / Yes, that’s correct

  13. Answer one by one. Lift your hands up, if you want to answer the question/ if you know the right answer.

  14. Good job! That was nice! Excellent! Not bad, but you need to work harder/more

  15. Attention please! Don’t make noise!

  16. Today’s topic is ____

Today we are going to learn new notions and terms concerning our topic

  1. After that, we will solve problems/ complete the table/work in groups

  2. Please divide into groups by counting to 4/ by color/ by shapes/ by pictures

  3. Group one, your task is to answer the questions/ solve the problem/

Group two, your task is to match the formulas and their definitions/ make a project (work) for the topic ___

You have 10/20 minutes for this task

Have you finished? Let’s check.

  1. Evaluate yourself /Evaluate group one’s work

(Now you may ask your classmates questions about the homework).Change your works and evaluate each other

  1. Was the topic difficult? Is it clear? If you have any questions, please ask them now. I will explain it once again.

The monitor (of the class)- староста

1.The student on duty, please clean the blackboard, and collect the notebooks/copybooks.

Please hand out the copybooks.

З. Put away your pens, pass your copybooks to the first desk.

4. These are your tasks, please take one, and pass the rest to the others.

5. Please make a circle, we will revise the topic playing a game with a ball.

6. Please, work in pairs. The first couple makes ___

Please work individually.

7. The first variant does the first task, the second does the second task/ will read the textbook/ will write the summary of the text/ the main rules into the copybooks

8. Please write down the homework. Your homework is (to solve/read/write/learn by heart) the topic 1.

-The 5th (fifth) and the 6th (sixth) problem of the 3rd( third) variant

Level tasks: (Average) A level

(Next) B level

(High) C level

Summative assessment for the term -SAT- СОЧ

Summative assessment for the unit –SAU- СОР

Teachers’ meeting- мұғалімдер жиналысы учительское собрание/ совещание

Пед.совет- Pedagogical council

Headmaster- директор

Deputy headmaster for curriculum and discipline- Заместитель директора по учебной и воспитательной работе

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