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Linguistic, psychological, didactic-methodical. Among all the components, we single out the 
linguistic component separately. According to Aryan, this component includes a certain lexical 
minimum; highlighting difficult moments when memorizing different Lexical units, using 
special methods for solving difficulties; the topic of speaking and reading, where the necessary 
minimum can be used. According to the methodology of teaching foreign languages, it is known 
that the volume of the selected vocabulary should be interconnected with the time and conditions 
provided by the teaching for a foreign language. But we should not forget that even in our native 
language we have an active stock. Тhose words and phrases that we constantly use in 
communication, and the passive stock that we use while listening to or reading books. From here 
we come to the conclusion that the lexical minimum in FL must necessarily consist of active and 
passive vocabulary. Before, 20-30 years ago, or even more, strict quantitative indicators were 
presented for the language material in the FL. The volume of lexical units increased depending 
on the age of the students. Therefore, by the end of elementary school, the volume of learned 
vocabulary should have included 350 lexical units [Bim 2017: 17].
Unfortunately, today the issue of the lexical minimum and, in general, the required 
volume of vocabulary for elementary school students, has not yet been resolved, since there is no 
specialized literature and collections on the lexical minimum. And about the next important point 
related to formation of vocabulary in another language. Let's consider how work on a lexical 
skill is organized in a foreign language lesson.
Almost daily, a foreign language teacher should give new vocabulary, but it is not always 
clear how many words should be and how to explain them in an accessible and understandable 
way to students. In addition, active minimum vocabulary must be introduced orally in a story or 
in individual offers. The teacher needs to be able to vividly introduce new Lexical units so that 
children remember them for a long time with the help of interesting tasks, colorful illustrations, 
real objects.
Also, for students memorizing new words for them, it is necessary to complete tasks 
many times to repeat and consolidate them. According to the data that we have from the 
psychology of memory, we know that the number of new things in the lesson should correspond 
to the so-called "Miller's magic number 7 + - 2", that is, this is the number of words that the child 
will remember after the first acquaintance with vocabulary in the lesson. We should take into 
account this psycholinguistic regularity. It turns out that during one lesson a student can 
memorize no more than 7 new units. 
In addition, teachers should prepare children in advance for the emergence of new words, 
they should appear in intermediate tasks shortly before introducing the topic into the lesson. 
Working on vocabulary is always a difficult process, regardless of the age of the student, 
therefore, for best results, the teacher must be able to use a variety of techniques for its 
introduction, consolidation and training. 
According to scientists, in order to accurately remember a word and have it in active 
stock, you need to do at least 16 different operations with it, that is, tasks for all types of 
activities, from reading to by letter [Chirner 2008: 240]. 
Our memory is unique in that we remember not only individual words, but also the 
various connections that these words can form: logical, associative, paradigmatic, syntagmatic, 
thematic, etc. Thus, Bernd-Dietrich Müller presents the following types of word connections: 
coordination; collocation; subordination; synonyms; antonyms [Muller 1994: 13]. 
The strength of memorizing words is ensured by the fullest possible volume of such 
connections. To ensure this goal, all kinds of schemes, mental plans, practical and mental actions 
with the word are used.

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