Исследование этого аспекта творчества поэта начиналось еще в 60-е годы ХХ века, и многие работы были посвящены вопросам о способах и средствах выражения казахской


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01 Naurzbayeva final


al Asian J
ournal o
f Art Studie
olume 6. Issue 3. 2021
Almira Naurzbayeva 
Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory 
(Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Neither the reader’s nor researcher’s interest in the works of the famous modern Kazakh 
poet Olzhas Suleimenov is fading, and, of course, most aspects of his rich and diverse works 
have received their due comprehension. One of the features of his work is foreign language; more 
precisely, Russian language. The study of this aspect of the poet’s work began back in the 1960s, 
and substantial research using diverse methodological dimensions has been devoted to questions 
about his ways and means of expressing the Kazakh artistic and aesthetic tradition, and the national 
originality of his works.
The interest in the aspect of creativity formulated in the title of the article is associated with
an attempt to read the picture of the world transmitted by the internal semiotics of O. Suleimenov’s 
texts as a modern Kazakh poet interpreting different linguistic and cultural discursive matrices. 
Poetry in this case acts as a Text understood in relation to Julia Kristeva’s concept of the text
as a transformation of reality, and the process of text generation as its signification. The principles 
of semanalysis, the intertextual function of the ideologeme that sets the cultural and historical 
coordinates of the text structure, and the position of the sign character of the pre-linguistic space
of the language are the main categories of Kristeva’s theory that correlate to the tasks
of the analysis being undertaken. To this it is worth adding the arguments of Yuri Lotman, who is
in favor of considering the semiotic space as a text that throws “whole layers of cultures out of itself”. 
And, finally, in accordance with the given strategy of the analysis, it is necessary to point out
an important aspect of its methodological support – the term of concept-sphere, which was 
introduced into scientific circulation by Dmitry S. Likhachev; interpreted by him as a “set of concepts 
of the nation”, the concept-sphere is formed by all the potentials of the concepts of native speakers. 
It is also important to understand the idea of Likhachev that the conceptual sphere of the culture
of each nation is wider than the semantic sphere “represented by the meanings of the words
of the language”.
Using the example of the methods of semiotic analysis of one of the first poetic works
of O. Suleimenov, the short poem Argamak, the strategy of unfolding the basic units of the conceptual 
sphere of the oral traditional Kazakh culture as mental signs of national consciousness objectified 
in the language in its broad sense is considered. In particular, continuity at the level of the linguistic 
genre memory of the semiotic space of the zhyrau discourse is considered in the aspect
of the features of the nomadic chronotope of the Kazakh worldview.
The foreign language (Russian language) of O. Suleimenov’s creativity actualizes and strengthens 
the intention to embody its national connotations of spiritual, ideological universals of culture.
The nomination of the created world and its connotation is based on concepts that represent
the core of Kazakh language consciousness, which represents one of the levels of the world picture
the presentation of the world. The openness and use of the possibility of language synergy open up 
new horizons for the meaning generation of the conceptual sphere of the semiotic space of his poetic 
texts and, accordingly, the poet's picture of the world.
The article was prepared within the project of the Ministry of Education and Science
of the Republic of Kazakhstan AR09259280 “Languages of Kazakh culture as the basis of ethnic 
identity: semiotics and semantics”.
O. Suleimenov, Argamak, concept-sphere, semiotic analysis, nomadic chronotope, 
zhyrau, performative discourse.
Naurzbayeva, Almira. “The concept-sphere of the poem ‘Argamak’ as a semiotic precursor
of Olzhas Suleimenov's picture of the world.” 
Central Asian Journal of Art Studies,
vol. 6, no. 3, 2021,
pp. 10–25. DOI: 10.47940/cajas.v6i3.459.

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