seashores, wrote such poems as “Aral eske túskende”, “Araldı saǵınıw”, “Araldı
joqlaw”, “Aral jaǵısında”, “Qurıp ketse Aralım ne boladı?”, “Tirisinde Araldı
tıńlamadı”. For example, in the work "Qurıp ketse Aralım ne boladı?" the poet noted
about the great nature, about its offense.
Qurıp ketse Aralım ne boladı,
(Irastan-aq álemnen joǵaladı)
Janım sezer ózin ol qurtqanlardan,
Duz jawdırıp keshikpey kek aladı. [1: 208]
About state policy of that time, that is irrational use of waters of the Amu Darya
and the Syr Darya rivers on farmlands the poet wrote the following:
Appaq qarday báharde jerdıń beti,
Adamlardıń betinde shıqqan óti,
Tábiyattı bılǵadı ataq ushın,
Dedi onı adamnıń qúdireti.
[1: 208]
And about boredom about the sea the poet writes in the poem:
Búginde men Aralımdı
Keltirdim kóz aldıma.
Bir ájayıp dunya edi
Jaralǵan óz aldına.
Gozzal edi aydınları
Aq kóbik bop shapshıǵan.
Aǵıp túsken juldızlardı
Juwırısıp qaqshıǵan. [2:98]
If to consider contents of the poem, it is possible to find out that the poet misses
fishes in clear water, great waves, golden sands, the birds and animals living on the
Aral Sea.
In the conclusion, various social transformations happening in our country find
the reflection in poets’ and writers’ works. Nowadays measures of replenishment of
the Aral Sea are carried out.
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