Since 60th years of the last century deterioration in
an ecological condition of
the Aral Sea and its Area disturbs world society. As a result of irrational use, sharp
reduction of a drain of waters of the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya rivers became the
main reason of drying up of the Aral Sea. For the last 40-45 years sea level decreased
to 22 meters (1961 - 53 m), and the volume of water decreased from 1064 km ³ up to
115 km ³, and on this place the hydrochloric and moving sands were formed. In those
when the Aral Sea was full, poets wrote
verses glorifying great waves, the
nature, and beauty in various genres. The problem
of the Aral Sea drew public
attention and poets began to write the works devoted to it. For example, the national
poet of Karakalpakstan and Uzbekistan, the Hero of Uzbekistan I. Yusupov about the
fate of the Aral Sea in the work "Aral elegiyaları" wrote:
Suwı qumaytlanǵan bir ázim dárya,
Ruwxım arqalı aǵıp baradı.
Demikken eń sońǵı balıqlar onda,
Eseńkirep qalash qaǵıp baradı.
Burqırap aqqan ılay suwdan sayrańlap,
Dáryadan teńizge bulqınıp oynap,
Erkin túser edi. Joq endi ol waq,
Suwı kesilgen soń naǵıp baradı? [4:213]
Besides, thoughts about the Aral problem are given
in lines of the poem of
I.Yusupov “Korabller qoyımshılıǵındaǵı eles”:
Keshe gúrlep turǵan Úshsay portında
Búgin korabller qoyımshılıǵı.
Kóship ketken balıqshılar jurtında,
Jatar jaynap kemlerdiń sınıǵı. [4:272]
And also, in the poem “Bul jerele zor boladı” :
Aytıwınsha: kóshshek bunnan,
Jańa qonıs jayǵa qarap,
Aralgá suw aparǵannan
Anaǵurlım arzanıraq. [4:201]
or in the next lines hopes for replenishment of the sea in the future:
Bir-birewge ayıp taǵıp,
Aytıs penen ótermiz biz.
Dárya ele tolıp aǵıp,
Jaǵısına qaytar teńiz. [4:205]
Also, in poems G.Dawletova "Aral arıwınıń monologı", Ú.Áshirbekov "Aralǵa
arnalǵan tolǵaw" from previous to a present state of the Aral Sea are described. And
the poet of S.Netullaev
missing the Aral Sea, remembering the childhood along
seashores, wrote such poems as “Aral eske túskende”, “Araldı saǵınıw”, “Araldı
joqlaw”, “Aral jaǵısında”, “Qurıp ketse Aralım ne boladı?”, “Tirisinde Araldı
tıńlamadı”. For example, in the work "Qurıp ketse Aralım ne boladı?" the poet noted
about the great nature, about its offense.
Qurıp ketse Aralım ne boladı,
(Irastan-aq álemnen joǵaladı)
Janım sezer ózin ol qurtqanlardan,
Duz jawdırıp keshikpey kek aladı. [1: 208]
About state policy of that time, that is irrational use of waters of the Amu Darya
and the Syr Darya rivers on farmlands the poet wrote the following:
Appaq qarday báharde jerdıń beti,
Adamlardıń betinde shıqqan óti,
Tábiyattı bılǵadı ataq ushın,
Dedi onı adamnıń qúdireti.
[1: 208]
And about boredom about the sea the poet writes in the poem:
Búginde men Aralımdı
Keltirdim kóz aldıma.
Bir ájayıp dunya edi
Jaralǵan óz aldına.
Gozzal edi aydınları
Aq kóbik bop shapshıǵan.
Aǵıp túsken juldızlardı
Juwırısıp qaqshıǵan. [2:98]
If to consider contents of the poem, it is possible to find out that the poet misses
fishes in clear water, great waves, golden sands, the birds and animals living on the
Aral Sea.
In the conclusion, various social transformations happening in our country find
the reflection in poets’ and writers’ works. Nowadays measures of replenishment of
the Aral Sea are carried out.
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