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Бүгінгі сабағымыздың тақырыбы: Aisha-bibi Mausoleum





Өтілетін күні:

18.05. 2021 жыл/19.05.2021



Шет тілі практикумы

Aim of the lesson

Сабақтың мақсаты

Оқушыларға жаңа тақырып «Aisha-bibi Mausoleum» тақырыбында жұмыс жүргізу арқылы оларға жаңа білім мен ақпарат беру, жаңа лексикалық материалдарды үйрету,оларды өз сөйлемдерінде қолдана білуге дағдыландыру

Digital recourses

Цифрлық ресурстар

  • https://infourok.ru/prezentaciya-po-anglijskomu-yazyku-na-temu-the-mausoleum-of-aisha-bibi-8-klass-4089607.html


Key words

Кілт сөздер

  • Mausoleum – кесене 

  • Region – аймақ 

  • Delicate –нәзік 

  • Patterned –өрнек 

  • Tile –плитка 

  • Refuse – қоқыс 

  • Kingdom – патшалық 

  • Pack – қорап 

  • Nanny –күтуші 

  • Curse –қарғыс 

  • Poisonous –улы 

  • Beg – қайыршы 

  • Noble –асыл 

  • Faithful –адал 

  • Empire - империя 

Short information about the theme:

(Жаңасабақ жайлы жаңа ақпарат)

This tragic love story has reached our days from the depths of the centuries and seemed frozen in three remarkable medieval mausoleums, which are shrines in the Muslim world and a kind of tourist visiting card of the city of Taraz. There is no sadder story in the world ... Young Aisha-bibi, batyr Karakhan and Babanya-khatun babysitter, who are dedicated to these buildings, live in the hearts of people to this day. There are 28 legends overall we are aware of, but the most popular among the local people is the one that goes back to 12th century. It is about the young ruler of Taraz - Karakhan, who at first sight fell in love with Zengi-Baba's 16-year-old daughter. The young man asked Aisha's dad to let him marry to her, but was not approved. After a time when the young man returned home, the girl missed her beloved. Deciding that they were destined to be together, she asked for blessings from her parents, but she too was refused, because according to the canons of Islam and the traditions of the Turkic peoples, such an act was considered an unheard-of insolence. Then one day, under the protection of the night, in defiance of father and mother, the girl left her home for the sake of reunification with Karakhan. Together with Aysha, her nanny, Babadja-hatun, went to Taraz. Learning about the escape of his daughter, an angry father exclaimed after her: "You will cross the six rivers, and the seventh you can not cross." Aisha crossed six rivers, and before the seventh, Asoy, stopped for a rest. Leaving the horse, she wanted to wash. Leaving Saukele on the shore, she did not notice how the poisonous snake climbed into the headdress. Her bite made the girl close her eyes forever. The lovers were never to meet. Lamenting his beloved, Karahan buried her on a hill near the place where the tragedy happened. According to legend, he summoned the most skillful oriental masters of the time and ordered to build a temple of unprecedented beauty over the grave. So there was a mazar, magnificent and unique in its way, now known to the whole world. Other versions of the legend was given in his article about the Aisha-Bibi mazar by Orientalist and archaeologist Vasily Kallaur, w ho collected information from local residents. He wrote: "One of the Samarkand khans was married to a Christian woman, a Chinese princess, identifying her with the name of Khanym-bibi, whose sister Aisha-bibi came to visit her in Samarkand. On the way back, Aisha bibi died near the Asa River, where a real monument was erected. One of the books wrote the following story: "Aisha-bibi was the daughter of Ismail-ata. Aulieata saint chose her as his bride and said about his desire Ismail-ata. The latter reluctantly agreed, sent his daughter to Aulie-ata, but at the same time said that the bridegroom would not see his bride. So it happened: Aisha-bibi died on the road, not far from the city, where she was buried. Some say that she was the sister of Amir-Timur's wife and the daughter of Khan Chinmachin. She went to see the work of her sister Khanum in Bukhara "madrasa-i-hanym" and took the gold on several mules, but on the way she fell ill and died. Then Amir-Timur gathered all the masters of his wife and built a mazar over the grave of his sister-in-law."
Источник: https://e-history.kz/en/publications/view/4227
© e-history.kz

Үй тапсырмасы


Make up an association with the word “Aisha Bibi”

Task 2

  • What do you think,Is it right thing to believe to Mausoleums or to otherthings?

-What another legend do you know?

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