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Құрышжанов оқулары 2019

Пайдаланылған әдебиеттер:
1.Қайдар Ә. «Қазақтар ана тілі әлемінде»: Адам 1 
том (Этнолингвистикалық сөздік) – Алматы: Сардар, 
2.Ислам Айбарша. Ұлттық мәдениет контексіндегі 
дүниенің тілдік суреті. Фил. ғыл. докт. дисс. авторе
фераты. – Алматы, 2004. – 251 б. 
3.Қайдар Ә.Т. Халық даналығы (қазақ мақал-
мәтелдерінің түсіндірме сөздігі және зерттеу). – Ал
маты: Тоғанай Т, 2004. – 560 бет. 272 б. 

mazybaeva Galia torekhanovna
Absattarova saltanat saparbekovna
English Language Teacher
teaching, technology, language, tools, multimedia, videos, devices, mass media.
Second language learning is a process as complex as 
second language teaching: various factors contribute to 
and combine together in order to achieve the success of 
this endeavour. To result in a favourable outcome, teachers 
have to devote a lot of time and effort to determine the 
most satisfactory, suitable and effective methods of 
teaching. Not only everyday reality is affected by the new 
technology, but also the development of language skills 
started to depend on it. As the number of English learners 
is ever increasing, fortunately, more and more modern 
tools and technology devices are implemented into the 
process of teaching. Currently, teachers tend to use tools 
such as videos, podcasts, worksheet banks, e-learning 
platforms, applications, and websites, accessible through 
electronic devices such as personal computers, or smart 
phones. These inventions facilitate classroom environment 
and diversify learning activities.
2.Multimedia in English language teaching
A wide range of multimedia can be implemented to 
enhance the quality of education and boost the effectiveness 
of second language teaching. The boredom and the routine 
of using only a course book and repeatedly drilling the 
same types of exercises can be easily avoided.
As the issue of the comprehension of spoken language 
is crucial, teachers should try miscellaneous resources of 
podcasts. Traditional course books usually offer gap filling 
and true or false exercises, which do not really give a sense 
of real communication. Students very often complain that 
podcasts going along with course books seem to be artificial 
and fake. Fortunately, a wide range of free podcasts made 
specifically for language learners, is currently accessible 
on iTunes, YouTube, SoundCloud etc. Another reliable 
source that can be used for a purpose of listening practice 
is the radio. It offers news broadcasts and interviews 
which are available on their websites. Moreover, teachers 
might even use songs played currently on the radio as 
most of the students recognize them easily and are more 
familiar with the lyrics even though they do not know the 
meaning standing behind the words. Nowadays, almost 
everyone owns a computer or a smartphone. Due to this 
fact, students are able to create podcasts and recordings 
on their own which give them a chance to practice their 
The key role in eliminating the monotony from the 
classroom is occupied by videos, which support both 
the expansion of the vocabulary and the development of 
listening skills. While children prefer watching cartoons 
or animated stories, older learners are more likely to watch 
documentaries or travel journals. Lyric videos are very 
entertaining and give numberless options considering the 
fact that the teacher can use students’ favourite songs.
As a result of such activities, students can experience the 
language not only aurally but also visually. It gives them a 
better context and insight into the natural use of English.
A majority of young students have access to, and are 
actually fond of using the Internet as much as possible. 
In this case the teacher can use countless resources with 
online games, which stimulate and improve every aspect 
of language skills. The Internet provides the classroom 
environment with a diverse range of games that are free 
and available for everyone. These games are designed 
to practice and examine for instance target vocabulary, 
a specific grammar construction, or comprehension of 
a text. Moreover, students have a chance to practice 
their skills at home by downloading applications and 
games on their phones or computers. Digital versions of 
hangman, Scrabble, crosswords, or even memory games 
are entertaining for all age groups. The teacher might even 
display these games on the interactive whiteboard and 
engage the whole class.
The concept of the enhancement of writing skills by 
encouraging students to create online blogs is also worth 
considering. Blogging platforms such as Blogger, or 
WordPress, give students an opportunity to create blogs 
for free. Sometimes students find blogging engaging and 
encouraging because they can write about anything they 
find interesting. The fact that not only the teacher can 
read their virtual journals, but basically everyone with the 
access to the Internet, makes them put more effort into 
writing. Getting feedback from a larger audience may have 
a positive influence on the development of one’s skills 
as well. If the idea of blogging weekly or daily does not 
appeal to the students, they can use their blogs as digital 
portfolios of their best works.
3.The role of devices in English language teaching
The application of classroom tools which involve 
the use of new technologies is gaining more and more 
supporters and is practiced frequently, not only in private 
schools (which are usually better equipped and provided 
with high-quality teaching materials), but also it made its 
way to the public schools, where foreign language lessons 
are more and more often supported by digital materials.
The usage of tools described above depends on 
availability of technological devices. Starting from the 
basics, a personal computer with a possibility to display 
the image for all the students to see, so with a projector, 
an interactive board or a TV set. Internet connection is 
not always necessary, although, it makes lessons easier to 
prepare and quicker in a matter of interaction. A teacher 
equipped with such a set can benefit from digital resources 
and tools efficiently. Students, using modern technological 
devices individually, can revise and experience authentic 
materials provided by a teacher either during classes, or 
at home. Being able not only to watch but to participate 
actively, makes students more involved and satisfied with 
the results obtained. That is why, both students and teachers 
should have an access to the variety of multimedia through 
different technology devices.

4.The benefits of using technology in English language 
The profitability of multimedia usage is considered 
crucial, especially by the young generation of language 
teachers who understand and support the idea of technology 
in the classroom, on the contrary to the older generation 
which criticizes and underestimates its importance.
First of all, meeting students’ individual needs and 
implementing variety of methods and approaches can be 
satisfied by introducing digital materials. These ones make 
possible adjusting to individual expectations, interests or 
needs of the language learners in the group. Such activities 
not only provoke creative thinking, but also encourage 
students to practice the language inside and outside the 
classroom. What is more, they expose students to the 
language practice in the environment which they are 
familiarised with. It might help them to break the language 
barrier as they do not feel isolated anymore.
Lessons can be personalized and directed outside the 
course book. Students gain an opportunity of facing the 
authentic language materials. They become exposed to 
the real world expectations and requirements connected to 
language skills, and therefore, they are more likely to meet 
What is more, students are familiar with the way of 
collecting useful information and materials, as nowadays, 
the majority of them uses such devices as smart phones, 
personal computers, and tablet computers at home. 
Moreover, students are more eager to learn and they can 
stay focused longer during the classes, because the variety 
of materials available prevents students from the feeling 
of monotony and boredom. What is more, their sphere of 
interest broadens as a result of being exposed to different 
fields and aspects of living. Their learning process becomes 
more efficient and self-directed. By browsing the Internet 
at home, students develop their own pace of language 
learning and use supplemental teaching platforms which 
help them to revise and consolidate their knowledge.
Last but not least, modern technology in the classroom 
allows students to develop abilities needed in their future 
workplaces. They acquire practical skills such as research 
and critical thinking which are essential in the 21st century.
The media along with the emerging technology can be 
an excellent tool to teach a foreign language. The usage 
of such devices does not reject traditional methods or 
undermine their importance, but rather supports and 
completes the whole process of teaching and learning by 
offering alternative forms of spreading the knowledge and 
putting it into practice. With the help of activities involving 
multimedia, the classroom becomes more dynamic and 
interesting place which makes learning more efficient and 
pleasant. However, the implementation of such exercises 
depends on the presence of electronic devices in the 
classroom. Unfortunately, in Polish schools, especially the 
public ones, it still prevents some teachers from trying new 
means of teaching.

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