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Список литературы: 
Послание Президента Республики Казахстан Н. Назарбаева народу Казахстана. 29 января 2010 г. 
Zhussupova A.I., Zhussupova G.E., Zhunusbayeva Zh.K., Omirbekova N.Zh., 
Alimzhanov E.S. 
Annotation. Paper focuses on the basic insights on electronic tools implementation on the way to University 
4.0 in order to meet the demands of the modern society. 
Keywords: еlectronic education, new strategies, distance learning, technologies. 
Education is currently viewed as a way to secure an adequate income while contributing to society's needs. 
The number of young adults wishing to obtain a degree is therefore constantly increasing. Estimates show that 
the demand for higher education worldwide will have expanded from 97 million students in 2000 to over 262 
million by 2025 [1].
In discussions of higher education, academics are typically at the forefront of conversation, and career and 
technical education, i.e. specialized education programs in the skilled trades, health sciences, applied sciences, 
modern technologies and other types of career preparation, such as dental assistant, emergency medical 
technician, computer networking, digital media, programming, carpentry and even agricultural sciences, which 
might help alumni to have an easier time finding jobs in today's difficult labour market, is often overlooked. It 
also might be a more cost-effective way for students to earn their degree, as it usually does not take as long as 
completing a college degree. Another possibility to reduce the amount of money students must borrow to 
complete their degrees, question especially sharp for some of the western countries, for instance in USA, is a 
competency-based learning, implied by Re-Inventing schools coalition, Young Women’s Leadership Charter 
School and Western Governors University, which allows students to move through course material at their 
own pace through self-assessment and multisource or 360 feedback. Their exam scores rather than the number 
of hours spent in a classroom dictate how quickly students move through course material. Some institutions 
that are utilizing competency-based learning are advertising that students can cut the time it takes to complete 
a degree in half, and has appeared to be a successful model for many residency programs across Canada [2; 
The ability to measure innovation is essential to an improvement strategy in education. Knowing whether, 
and how much, practices are changing within classrooms and educational organizations, how teachers develop 
and use their pedagogical resources, and to what extent change can be linked to improvements would provide 
a substantial increase in the international education knowledge base. As among the most important questions 
in nowadays education remain globalization in education and education reforms and emerging technologies in 
learning as well as learning for employment, emphasizing an inevitable grand role of virtual labs and e-
learning, along with education economics, accreditation, quality and assessment, as could be noticed by 
looking at the list of leading world educational conferences like INTED topics. 

Students learn well when they take responsibility for their learning. Learning increasingly takes place in an 
environment, which is constantly evolving to respond to the personal needs of each learner. The emergence of 
Open Educational Resources and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC; now being effectively developed in 
KazNU) is expected to offer multiple advantages in terms of increased access to higher education, reduced 
costs and flexible timetables, to name just a few. However, there is little scientific evidence to prove the 
efficiency of these new models. Some critics even argue that they may well be just another attempt to further 
commercialise higher education. Meanwhile, blended learning – a combination of traditional training with 
digital online content – is seen by many as the best alternative. Gibbs G. 1981’s notice is still correct. 
Awareness and reflection are not merely symptoms of developments in learners, they bring about the 
developments. It is through engaging students in reflecting upon the process and outcomes of their studying 
that progress is made [4].
According to Wikipedia’s definition distance education or distance learning is a mode of delivering 
education and instruction, often on an individual basis, to students who are not physically present in a 
traditional setting such as a classroom. Distance learning provides «access to learning when the source of 
information and the learners are separated by time and distance, or both». Distance education courses that 
require a physical on-site presence for any reason (excluding taking examinations) have been referred to as 
hybrid or blended courses of study [5; 6] 
Good example of online learning destination and MOOC provider is edX, founded by Harvard University 
and MIT in 2012, which offers 950+ high-quality courses in subjects such as humanities, math, and computer 
science from the world’s best universities and institutions to learners everywhere with 2,300+ faculty and staff 
teaching courses and discussing topics online and 840,000+ certificates proudly earned by edX students. It has 
90 global partners, including: The Laura and John Arnold Foundation, which supported the development of 
the edX platform and increase the number of high-quality courses available to learners; The Gates Foundation, 
which helps edX to develop courses as well as partner with community colleges to experiment with the use of 
the courses in a «flipped classroom»; Modern States, working with edX to help more students enter or return 
to the traditional college system and to make quality education more accessible; LaunchCode, which creates 
pathways to economic opportunity and upward mobility through online learning, apprenticeships and job 
placement in technology.
One of the bright examples is a set of electronic lectures, including Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) 
developed in correspondence with Center for distance education, KazNU. The PCR course is intended for a 
full-time study in computer classes and online learning network (as present on introductory and supplementary 
level to the general training or upon becoming a part of a larger on-line course or electronic manual) and might 
be useful not only for the students of our own faculty, School of Biology and Biotechnology (as was shown 
on third year bachelor students specialty «Biotechnology» during the course «Molecular diagnostics»), but 
also during classes with the students of other specialties (for instance such as law, mathematics and computer 

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