Қайрғалиева гулфайруз батырлар институты және оның дәстүрлі қазақ қоғамындағы орны

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The object of the stud. Analysis formation and development the establishment batyr's heroism as a specific feature of the traditional Kazakh society (community) on the example. Bokenbay batyr's kin, taking the special place in the history of the social and political development of our country.
The given object of the study makes dependent on the following problems of the research:

  • to define a role specific of the establishments of batyr's heroism on the basis of historical events of the XVIII-XIX centuries.

  • to reveal a social origin the establishments of the batyr's heroism on the basis of the analysis of its occurrence, formation and evolutionary development, and also to concretive formation, development reasons of disappearance of the establishment

  • batyr's heroism in a history on an example Bokenbay batyr's kin

  • to analyze and to systematize works on study of the life and activity of Bokenbay batyr and his descendants.

  • To show a role of batyr heroes in political life of the country, presentation of political stability at the present stage of the development of a society, importance of heroes in a patriotic education of the younger generation independent Kazakhstan.

  • To show peculiarities of the establishment of batyr's heroism from such social formations in the traditional Kazakh society, as the establishment of batyr's heroism.

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